"All this proves that as humans, when it comes to spiritual things, we can speculate and guess and anticipate all we want, but usually we do not fully understand until after the fact. "
OK. Fine. But then the GB has absolutely no right to demand that you, me or anyone else follow their teachings.....with the threat of disfellowshipping in store for any that dare disagree
"Also, answers do come slowly, progressively. All the things mentioned above were eventually understood by the apostles, but only as time passed and Jehovah's purpose worked out. "
Again....okey dokey. Jesus did make it clear that he would have to inform his disciples about some things progressively (i.e. John 16:12). But show me an example from the bible where truth was released.....and then changed.....and then changed.....and then changed.....and then changed. I recall the matter of circumcision being up in limbo for a while. For many years actually. But one thing remained constant. There was ONE change and that was it. First.....they thought all men needed to be circumcised. THen they debated it. Then it was determined that they do NOT need to be circumsised. END OF STORY. And THAT is the difference between the 1st century Christians and the GB of today. The GB changes the same thing over and over again. With the "generation" topice.....first it was 1) those that were adults and saw the events of 1914. Then it was 2) those that were perhaps 15 years old. Then it was 3) those that were alive in 1914. Then it was 4) (in 1995) an unlimited time period. Now it is 5) an overlapping generation of those that saw the events of 1914 with those that will see the "end".
This is like the 1st century Christians saying 1) All must be circumcised. 2) No....wait.....all must NOT be. 3) No....wait....All over the age of 21 need to be. 4) No....wait......just the Gentiles that are over the age of 21 need to be. 5) No wait....it us purely up to each person
If you want to believe that God releases "progressive" light then fine......but there is no excuse for waffling so much on one subject. There is NO scriptural precedence for that.