Mentally Diseased Apostates to Survive Armageddon! - The WT says so!!!

by 00DAD 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 00DAD

    As I'm sure we all know by now, the July 15, 2011 Watchtower branded "apostates" as "mentally diseased" (p. 16, para. 6).

    But never fear, because--also according to the WTBTS--Jehovah will take that into account at Armageddon. The WT says so, so it must be true!

    "With complete confidence in Jehovah’s righteousness, we need not worry about finding answers to questions like: ‘How will babies and small children be judged? Might it be that a large number of people will not yet have been reached with the good news when Armageddon arrives? What about the mentally ill? What about . . . ?’ Granted, at present we may not know how Jehovah will resolve these issues. He will do so, however, in a righteous and merciful way." - Sept 15, 2010 WT, p. 29

    It's Jehovah's "righteous and merciful way", so we can have complete confidence in it.

    Apostates rejoice - you get to use the insanity defense graciously provided to you by the "Faithful and Discreet Slave TM" . How happifying!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Thanks to outsmartthesystem for originally posting this WT quote in this thread.

  • baltar447


  • mouthy

    Oh so I'm In again!!!!Thank the "brothers"? so much for not being sure!!!!

    But I have had a WORD from above !!!!>wait for it>>>>I,m gonna make the resurrection...

  • Quarterback

    Wow, that's an amazing find, OODAD.

    I wonder if they will be able to speak to them after Armaggedon. Will the internet still exist, and if we could piss them off till the 1,000 year reign?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I get to plead insanity? AWESOME!

  • tornapart

    Hmmm.. yes but if we the 'mentally diseased' survive Armageddon we'll have to live with JW's forever....... I wonder if they will supply straight jackets?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh crap, if that's the case, just take me out now

  • tornapart

    WH.. ROFL!!

  • bucketbot

    Well if all of us are going to survive Armaggedon, maybe the new world won't completely suck after all!

    I will have 1000 years to find evidence of evolution!

  • journey-on

    Hey, everybody! Let's all plan to meet on the other side! Gotta come up with a "secret" handshake or a code word to identify ourselves as pre-armageddon mentally-diseased apostates.

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