The quote is neither from Sept 2010 nor from Sept 1998, but from August 15, 1998, page 20.
Mentally Diseased Apostates to Survive Armageddon! - The WT says so!!!
by 00DAD 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
Im pretty sure there's a watchtower magazine which says children WILL die at armageddon because it's their parents fault for not being witnesses. Can someone find that please?
Edit: Nevermind I found them - thanks jwfacts! They're still saying the same thing, just not directly =/
"What will happen to young children at Armageddon? The Bible does not directly answer that question, and we are not the judges. However, the Bible does show that God views the young children of true Christians as "holy." (1 Cor. 7:14) It also reveals that in times past when God destroyed the wicked he likewise destroyed their little ones." Reasoning from the Scriptures pp.47-48
"Children are affected by the course of their parents, and parents are warned that their iniquity is visited on their offspring unto the third and fourth generation. (Ex. 20:5, 6) Parents are commanded to instruct their children in God's way, and if in these last days parents refuse to heed the divine instruction and warning they bring destruction upon themselves and their small children at Armageddon. (Deut. 6:6, 7; Eph. 6:4) According to justice God can leave such children dead, for, as Ezekiel showed, all die in their iniquity." Watchtower 1950 Nov 15 p.463 Questions From Readers
"By all the evidences this system of things is hastening to its final confrontation with the God of justice at Armageddon. Parents and children who fail to gain the "mark on their foreheads," that is, an adequate appreciation of God's moral standard, are sure to suffer. Parents will be held accountable for their children, and children will suffer for the failure of their parents." Watchtower 1968 Feb 1 pp.83-84
And I so wanted to be a mischevious poltergeist after I die!!!
You can be a mischievous person after Armageddon. Only for the first few hundred years until you're finished growing perfect, then you better straighten up.
I like this new loophole. I will be pulling that out of my pocket at the next opportune time.
"You should come back to meetings."
"Oh dear, you need to study your publications better. I am mentally diseased because I am an apostate."
"Jah will not kill mentally ill people at Armageddon."
"uh, no...but...uh..."
"So the most certain way I can get into the New System is to remain mentally diseased."
I LOVE it, Rebel8!!!
Great find 00DAD!
Expect a "Question From Readers" article in the near future that clarifies the difference between "mentally ill" and "mentally diseased".
You heard it here first!
Cedars, a prophet is among us!
From your lips to the WTBTS Writing Departments ears!!!
Then we'll find out if they monitor this site or not ... lol
Great find
Calling apostates mentally diseased apparently is par for the WTS course ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... "All who cut loose from the Society and its work, instead of prospering themselves or upbuilding others in the faith and in the graces of the spirit, seemingly do the reverse—attempt injury to the Cause they once served, and, with more or less noise, gradually sink into oblivion, harming only themselves and others possessed of a similarly contentious spirit. . . . If some think that they can get as good or better provender at other tables, or that they can produce as good or better themselves—let these take their course. . . . But while we are willing that others should go anywhere and everywhere to find food and light to their satisfaction, strange to say, those who become our opponents take a very different course. Instead of saying in the manly fashion of the world, ‘I have found something which I prefer; goodbye!’ these manifest anger, malice, hatred, strife, ‘works of the flesh and of the devil’ such as we have never known worldly people to exhibit. They seem inoculated with madness, Satanic hydrophobia [rabies]. Some of them smite us and then claim that we did the smiting. They are ready to say and write contemptible falsities and to stoop to do meanness.” -C.T. Russell Oct. 1, 1909