Mentally Diseased Apostates to Survive Armageddon! - The WT says so!!!

by 00DAD 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    ......... With complete confidence in Jehovah’s righteousness ...........

    ......... in a righteous and merciful way ............

    We all know what Jehovah thinks about righteousness. It always takes precedence over mercy.

    ... and if you can't find this quote, that's because it's in the 1998, Sept 15 WT

  • 00DAD

    Resistance is Futile, awww, c'mon! Don't be a party pooper!!! We're just havin' some fun, y'all!

    Party Pooper!

  • tornapart

    Hahaha!! 00DAD.. you might be an Irishman (no offense) ... but I love your humour!

  • mcsemike

    I thought the JW's were going to survive Armageddon because THEY were mentally diseased and of all the people on earth, THEY needed mercy shown to them more than anyone else. It's ironic that their idiotic, baby-raping cult thinks IT makes the rules and owns this planet. As someone said before, it is so outrageous that the GB believes it can receive God's approval even though they break every rule in the Bible: name-calling, libel, slander, family destruction, and the list goes on.

    If any of you JW's are reading this (and we all always wonder why you do since it's against your rules but we hope you learn something and quit the WT), you need to start thinking for yourself for a change. I have a degree in Psychology and was a servant for decades. I've read almost everything the WT has printed and I've heard it all. I even had some idiot JW threaten to kill those who helped Silent Lambs. If that's not twisted, I don't know what is. The WT will die out someday and the GB will probably be arrested or sued because of its demonic conduct in protecting pedophiles. There is no way in hell that any God would go near a sick and MENTALLY DISEASED cult like the WT.

  • Gayle

    He will do so, however, in a righteous and merciful way." - Sept 15, 2010 WT, p. 29

    The JWs speak double-tonguned. or two-sides of mouth, that Jah will kill quickly when he does 'all other' of mankind,,and qualify to say, the worldlies are miserable, so a quick-kill will finally spare them (of further misery in this world). Also, with this short-cut thought, the JWs qualify (in their minds) they are better at least than the other so-called Christians, as they would say, otherwise thought that all other or non-Christians would be condemned to hell-fire torment forever & ever.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Sorry I peed in the pool at your "Mentally Diseased Apostate Armageddon Survival" party.

    I'm just concerned that my mental illness exemption card won't be validated when attempting to board the Ark.

  • rebel8


    So let's get this straight.

    Dubs shun us now. (great, because I don't want them anywhere near me.)

    We keep on apostatizing and doing whatever we want, which is proof we are mentally sick.

    We make it into the New System because Jah doesn't kill sick people.

    We get to pet lions and Jah will make us good as new. The Friends will have to forgive us or be killed themselves.

  • 00DAD

    rebel8, yes, absolutely right. And you don't have to go to all those meetings, study all those rags and go door-to-door.

    It's a Win/Win Situation ... and all because you're cwazee!!!

  • 00DAD

    RIF: I'm just concerned that my mental illness exemption card won't be validated when attempting to board the Ark.

    Your fears are understood. Just realize that the source of your PHOBIA is the same as the two references to "mentally diseased" and "mentally ill": the WTBTS.

    They created this fear to control you. Since you're here it apparently didn't work too well. They created the other two labels to control those still while attempting to placate the more thoughtful that Jehovah is still "just and merciful" and will only kill people that really deserve it!

    I'm just pointing out the inconsistencies in these statements. The fact is, none of it is true. If anyone is mentally ill it's the abusive, control-freaks at the helm of the WTBTS.



  • ziddina
    "We make it into the New System because Jah doesn't kill sick people. ..." Rebel8


    And I so wanted to be a mischevious poltergeist after I die!!!

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