Wasn't expecting to find that old post up here. Thanks for finding that BTS.
It was a very thought-provoking post. It crystallized some things I had been thinking about.
by Fernando 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
Wasn't expecting to find that old post up here. Thanks for finding that BTS.
It was a very thought-provoking post. It crystallized some things I had been thinking about.
Hi Phizzy. I grow in my spirituality by learning and being honest with myself. I am not afraid to read or consider other points of view. I think that a growing spirituality involves more than "getting closer to god". I think it has everything to do with improving as a person and finding your purpose in life. With developing a philosphy that is both solid, yet allows for learning and growth.
I think that if "spirituality" causes you to look down on people, to rule people out, to give up on people, so that you can be right or better, than you go backwards and not forwards.
Being a spiritual person is not about finding a group of people who agrees with you so that you can think your group is right and others are wrong. It's about being a light in the world to everyone, to be yourself while allowing others to be themselves.
Your chart comes to us from no clear established reference. Your "God" is not defined. You use "scriptures" and who Jesus ate with or tore into to determine that religionists are like the Pharisees and Atheists are like the prostitutes and homosexuals.
All fine and good for you. Leave me with the prostitutes and homosexuals rather than the religionists, but don't link me to that horrible Bible and it's mythical Jesus.
Greeks and Romans had over 300 gods. Christians only belive in one god more than atheists.
"Your thoughts on whether atheists and agnostics are one step closer to God than religionists?..."
Well, atheists don't ask 'him' for favors NEARLY as often as religionists!!!
And they're much less likely to blame 'him' for all the troubles in the world - just blame him for religious wars and deliberate, obstinate ignorance...
If I were going to be "one step closer" to a deity, I'd make it an Earth Goddess....
Makes more sense to worship and care for my life-support system...
Belief in "God" I think is really more of a belief in purpose, in fatherly love, in objective moral standards, in meaning, in an orderly universe.
God separated from those things is really difficult to define in a meaningful, tangible way. Where is God? What is God made of? How did God come into existence? How does God bring other things into existence? How does God decide what is morally right? Why did God create the universe? These are questions with no answers, but not everybody who believes in God asks them.
If atheists and aggies are closer to God in some sense, I guess it would be that it's in that we've given more thought as to just what God is, stripped of the tribalism and religious and moral baggage that are tied to the concept.
My own ground rules include that neither the basic concept of god (eternal
necessary cause or sustainer of it all, etc.) or rejection of it stipulate that
anyone should be hurt or killed over it. Either kind may or may not stipulate
hurting or killing. Don't.
You should understand faith as such and keep up to speed regarding the known
proven things (evolution, separation of church and state, homosexuality,
feminism, etc.). Some believers and non-believers have a God concept that
violates those rules and some of either know it doesn't have to. It doesn't
have to.
You shouldn't be 'centric and intolerant about belief or non-belief, or other
things that aren't character determinants, or make either law of the land, etc.
Don't. Some believers and non-believers are 'centric and propagandize against
the other whole group and some don't. Don't.
Some who believe, including while belonging to a religion, or don't agree
with those ground rules.
"Your thoughts on whether atheists and agnostics are one step closer to God
than religionists?"
If the question is if either whole group abide by those rules--make sure
nobody is hurt or killed over belief or non-belief--it's neither.
PS re flood, Canaanite war, etc.: not that I believe in a literal Great
Flood, etc., but God's prerogative is basically that it's all His to do what He
wants with. The concept isn't dependant on whether or not people, including
children or of whatever group, did anything bad. Likewise, people generally
believe they have prerogative over animals and don't trouble themselves to make
sure the cow did anything bad or they'll be branded murderers if they enjoy a
If the message of an allegorical interpretation of the flood is that God
could look at people and imagine wanting to chuck the experiment, it's not hard
to imagine. Be careful about not wanting to pledge belief unless the other is
all-beneficent--it cuts both ways. If anyone causes an Armageddon, Great Flood-
style and literally, it will likely be people, who don't have the prerogative to
murder people, creating pollution and climate change, etc.
Jehovah's Witnesses are closer to God than anyone. Well, only the annointed ones anyhow. Why does anyone have to be closer? I think God loves everyone and anyone just the same.