I know my experience as a JW stands in sharp contrast to many here. I don't know why---it wasn't my treatment in the org that sent me packing---it was an awakening to the facts. However, once out, I could look back and see the things that SHOULD have bothered me and would bother me today. But....here is how it went for me.
I ignored all that subjugation crap. I would get really, really irritated with any sister that was always asking permission, and she just couldn't hang with me much. I wasn't the type to support her in being the childwife. I was the earner in my marriage. The hubby worked, but I brought in the money and the insurance---and I worked in a situation where I couldn't act all meek and humble, because I demanded respect from the men and the women.
There was a point when my husband did some things to totally destroy my trust in him, and I absolutely refused to let him handle the finances. I never had a joint checking account with him, or credit cards with him, loans--whatever. I kept my finances separate from him, and I stayed in control of them. I was divorced once, and saw how an out-of-control husband could destroy MY freaking credit, and it wasn't happening again.
Anyway, I guess he thought he would just "tell on me" to the elders and he had them to our house. He told them how he should be the one responsible for the bills but I would not let him. He felt this was an assault to his headship. Wellllllllllllllllllllll they pretty much put him in his place. Un freaking believable cuz I thought they were going to pile the pressure on. Instead they told him that Head of House meant spiritual and not physical, and that this should be his concern if he wanted me to trust him. They told him I was the one using wisdom, and he NEEDED TO FOLLOW MY LEAD! I know. Crazy.
Then things got uglier. Okay, so like, a hole got punched into a wall. I'm not pointing fingers, but it wasn't me. He tried to physically pry a phone out of my hand, I was tired of being manhandled, so I clomped him with it. I know violence is not the answer, I'm not proud, but it happened. He didn't hit me, but he could physically overwhelm me and force me to leave rooms, hang up phones, or whatever and I'd had enough. So his response was to attack the freaking innocent wall. Anyway a brother who lived a few doors down stopped in right after it happened. This was the most indoctrinated person ever---practically Amish. He walked in with his usual smile---always always friendly. He saw the hole, and his face flushed red and the smile, always present, just disappeared. He looked my husband square in the eye, but asked ME, did he hit you? there was a threat in his voice. I said "no, I hit him." He did a triple take.
And when I called our po and said I was leaving him, he simply said, "I have no objections to that." So my experience was very different. But I saw it wasn't that way for all the sisters, and it used to turn my stomach.
Please don't judge me as a violent person. I have come to understand that physical abuse is more than hitting, and manhandling me everyday qualified. I was defending myself, but don't condone such actions. I had been putting up with it for a long time.