Hello, I'm new to posting here, although I have been reading and gaining insight for quite a while. Thank you to all of you.
I wrote a letter of disassociation this week, and sent it to the local KH. I have been faded for a number of years, and after much research, know that the Witnesses do not have the Truth. I called one friend that I had kept infrequent contact with to let her know so she was not taken by surprise. I'm shaking after that conversation. After all she has been through with the Witnesses, I thought she might be more open to my reasons. She was not, and started throwing scripture & WT speak at me. I became flustered, and while trying to justify some things, mis spoke about the destruction of Babylon, calling it the destruction of Jerusalem.( My point was the 1914 generation teaching.) I'm going to send her a brief note citing my mistake, but I feel like a fool. I handled this poorly.I spoke to her about the WT NGO status. She was unaware,but justified it, and said she would look it up. I suggested she go to a site other than the WT web site. She kept telling me I was looking at apostate literature. I told her one had to look at more than one source. She asked where I was going to go? To God and Jesus Christ, I replied.( Is it just me, or is that one of the dumbest questions?) I handled this poorly, and due to my inability to speak over her, she may never see the light. I simply became too flustered. I told her I did not call to argue or debate, that I had been researching for over a year, & I just wanted to tell her my decision, and that I loved her and wished her well. There were other things I tried to point out, but she had a response, sometimes very poor, to them. She is a good woman with some (imho) odd ideas in general. Now I'm questioning if I should have done this. Thankfully, My son & I were the only ones who were baptised witnesses, and he came out before I did. So I am really losing nothing, but I wish this friend could see the light.She put me on notice, kindly, that she would no longer speak to me.I hope she reads my note about my mistake.Does anyone knoe if Rutherford was really a judge? Thank you for letting me post, and for all the help you have unknowingly given to me.