now wat??
by xtreemlyconfused17 52 Replies latest jw friends
Hey xtreemlyconfused17!
It's good to hear things are settling down a bit, and you're able to take a more relaxed approach on life's journey.
May you continue to enjoy JWN and possibly make some good friends along the way.
Salamu na baraka
still thinking
n i knew what to expect from her as i'm a JW too........mum was like 'u know we are not [supposed] to read anything involved with the apostates, y did u?...extreemly
No, as an unbaptized publisher, you are not yet one of Jehovah's Witnesses, but, in my opinion, your mother was correct to tell you that you should avoid reading things that have been uploaded to websites by former Jehovah's Witnesses, who are now apostates. You may not agree with what your mother said, but I agree with her.....eggie
LOL I didn't see this before...eggies advice...'avoid reading things that have been uploaded to websites by former JWs'....and yet he is here reading and commenting. Maybe he needs to take the advice of extreemlys mother...since she is right.
Poopsie...that egg picture of eggie made me LOL...and I could see that in my mind while he spouted his eggie double speak....he is a double yolker.