I think humans can not perceive the actual future. But I believe our spirit (if we are alive) exists there. If one develops a sensitivity to the things of the spirit, our future spirit (and THE FUTURE SPIRIT which is GOD) can warn and encourage us now.
Christian Atheists, why did you throw the baby out with the bath water?
by Elsewhere 86 Replies latest jw friends
From Caliber:
So a basic definition of spirituality is the quality of one’s sensitivity to the things of the spirit. And what are these things of the spirit? These are those that cannot be directly perceived by our senses but whose effects can be deduced or inferred by our observations, like love, justice, peace, etc.
So the basic meaning of spirituality is that it is a term which encompasses everything that we cannot see directly with our eyes, directly perceive by the other senses and know by our mere reason. That is spirituality in its basic meaning
On first read, I have some issues with that definition of spirituality. I think first of all that it allows for one to continue to believe things that cannot be perceived.
Perception is different from faith. I don't need Jesus to come down to the heavens to tell me that the tender emotions, esp love, is very good and healthy. I don't need Zeus or Buddha to help me to see that a purpose in life is valuable, healthy, and necessary.
Faith is believing that love and purpose come from Jesus or Buddha, and that they caused these things as their specific religious traditions teach.
Perception is the acknowledgment that love and purpose, while not tangible phyiscally, are realities of the human experience. Perception also teaches us that love and purpose do not need to be linked to religion or a god, that atheists and agnostics also enjoy these things without a religious truth behind it.
To be sensitive is to be educated and aware. If one is unwilling to consider the evidence, it doesn't change the evidence. It only tells on the person unwilling to consider it.
Why are people trying to be serious on this thread?
What do you mean "trying"?
The greatest truths are told in jest
Jesters do oft prove prophets.
Isn't this thread a way to make a point to Christians that their view of religion and spirituality isn't the only one out there?
I can't see Allah on that list . . .
Is he a real God? . . . I dunno . . . quite a few people seem to think so.
What do you mean "trying"?
Wandering about in huge mental circles which they imagine are straight because they are so big.
Actually . . . I like the sound of Ah cun can.
Sounds like a dude that gets things done . . . like Joe Pesci.
I didn't know Kami-kazi was a God . . . is he still around?
Jeff I think you make some very thought provoking statements.... I would need time to ponder it ?????