Christian Atheists, why did you throw the baby out with the bath water?
by Elsewhere 86 Replies latest jw friends
"A lot of those are just different names for the one god, or manifestations of it. ..."
Oh, good grief...
Not THAT idiotic argument, again...
You are a troll farmer* james_woods, are you not?
*or is it rancher?
No, I are not. I are Jolly Rancher.
Does every one get what I mean?
Does every one get what I mean?
Seldom, but sometimes.
There is no need for gods that perform specific little tasks or represent specific areas of life when you have One God that is almighty and powerful
control of just say thunderbolts doesn't do it for me ! It's going to be a stormy day over the bay before I look to Thor for salvation
It's all about the redundancy thing !!!
Personal spirituality (i.e. knowing who you are and discovering your purpose in life) is more important than figuring out the answer to a question that can't be proven.
What does one get out of believing in God? Purpose in life, that their existence is not in vain.
Does it ever occur to theists that atheists have that figured out already, and they didn't need god/religion to help them? That they did this on their own?
This question is a math problem that excludes about 5 other continents.
The real "baby" is your purpose in life. However you choose to fill that need (call it spiritual or whatever) is what you should do. The bathwater that should be thrown out is the entrenched positions that aren't willing to learn anything.
"I have it figured out! I can stop learning! I can stop understanding other people!" If you ever wonder why the occasional loudmouth theist pisses me off, that last statement is it in a nutshell, the insistence that there is one right way for all people, one truth, one true god. And the only person not involved in the discussion? The one true god. Silence.
Having said that, I don't find it particularly uplifting for two sides to argue about this. Why? Because while there is utility in working this out for yourself via debates (lord knows I did) I would be remiss not to point out that this is not an "either/or" scenario. But you would have to open up your eyes and be honest to acknowledge that. You would have to be open that your purpose in life, that your "spirituality" is not linked to either believing or not believing.
If you don't think Zababa is the greatest god ever, I will fight you. That's no lie.
And whoever came up with the god named Rod just wasn't trying that day. A Friday at 4pm effort at best.
"You would have to be open that your purpose in life, your "spirituality" is not linked to either believing or not believing."~~AlltimeJeff
It all still involves sensing or seeing that which is unseen to the human literal least in the following definition it does
So a basic definition of spirituality is the quality of one’s sensitivity to the things of the spirit. And what are these things of the spirit? These are those that cannot be directly perceived by our senses but whose effects can be deduced or inferred by our observations, like love, justice, peace, etc.
So the basic meaning of spirituality is that it is a term which encompasses everything that we cannot see directly with our eyes, directly perceive by the other senses and know by our mere reason. That is spirituality in its basic meaning
Why are people trying to be serious on this thread?