''I love the organization''

by punkofnice 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BluesBrother

    The ones close to me love to criticize (in private) The Org. but if I say anything ??? a similar result as you had ensues.... I guess they can say it but we cannot. I guess we are seen as a threat.

    A while back an elder friend of mine used to "I am a Watchtower Man, If you sliced me open you would find the initials WT written all the way through....but they do act in a funny way sometimes" then proceed to criticize.....

    BTW an expression that made me cringe "In love with The Truth !" ...Yuk.

  • wallsofjericho

    I wonder if Mrs Punk is actually more frightened of the WBT$ than in love with it?

    - I don't think most J-dubs know the difference. The WTS has spent a long time conditioning them to beleive that fear of God is about LOVE and not actually fear, and of course to fear God means to fear the organization so...

    have you noticed about JW diehards in respect of their perception of the WBT$?

    I think ranmac answered that question well here:

    Your wife is grasping at straws. She cant logically refute you so all she has to go on is emotion. Blind intensified emotion.

    that is so true. JW's are not used to being questioned about WTS doctrine by other JW's, only simple questions by house holders that they have been trained to answer week after week the the KH. They cannot however, answer deep questions about WTS doctrine because they DON"T UNDERSTAND IT TO BEGIN WITH.
    This is easy to deal with because they just believe that the WTS would never lie to them and that they don't need to understand it as long as that one smart guy in the KH understands it they will just bring him along to their RV with them and he can sort it out.

    Well they can't exactly pull this over on their spouse so now you questoning the org exposes how naive they are! Thus as ranmac said: the blind intensified emotion.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I agree with New Chapter...

    This seems more like she loves the org like an abusive boyfriend or husband.

    When I look back on my motives and feelings at the time...I think it was filling a gap in my life, needing guidance and hope was misunderstood as LOVE and TRUTH. I needed some sort of safety net.

    Now I realize that I am safe without the false sense of security they provided. I think it is more about insecurity and self esteem when we cling on to things like this. When we are switching our brains off to reality there is a reason for it. Partly, it is brain washing, but mostly it has do do with how we feel about ourselves and how self assured we are.

    I feel for you punk, it is an almost impossible task to help someone with their self esteem issues. There is a good reason why the WTS tells women that they can win their husbands without a word...and that is because actions speak far louder than words. Maybe you could have a few more friends to visit that are non witnessess. Maybe if she socialized a bit more with them she would realize they aren't the devils sporn and are quite happy without the GB interfering in their lives.

    Anyway...hug for you punk...you need it.

  • awaken2004

    I can relate to u Punk. I don't understand how my jw family can be such die hards when presented with hard facts. I don't get their undying devotion to the org. Though they'll deny it we all know that for many dubs the ORG and God/Jehovah is one and the same.

    When I started researching the facts about the org I wasn't disappointed, sad, angry, depressed. I don't think I ever believed 100% so it was more of a relief to finally know once and for all that I was not going to die in armageddon.

    I won't tell JW strangers or my family anything negative about their relgion unless they ask. And my family has asked a time or two but now they know to leave the subject alone (for the most part).

    Good luck to you and Mrs. Punk. I really hope she finds her way out like you did.

  • kurtbethel

    It's scriptural.

    No natural affection.

  • punkofnice

    LWT – I’ll give it a butchers.

    WTWizard – You’re right. There are no benefits in the WBT$. Let’s reproach the name of watchtower at every opportunity!

    Ranmac (all 3 of you LOL) – Yep! Mrs Punk certainly goes with emotion rather than logic! Deffo!

    Outlaw – Apposite!

    Darthfader – Ah, yes! The ‘new system’™ where all can live with a pet panda. Of course they’ll all be in national costume. Not sure about us Brits……beefeater uniform???

    JTG007 – I know exactly what you mean. Yes, perhaps you are my neice!

    Muddy waters – Bless you. Tis a bitter pill to swallow. We were conned.

    Watson – Agreed!

    Infpalex – You’re right. They don’t know how to respond like normal people. Mrs Punk included.

    BtEB (or are you Johnny really? Hmmmm) – WBT$ not happifying. Children = How happifying!

    ABible Student – I’m sure the cognitive dissonance is strong in Mrs Punk!

    Hij – I’ve heard that garbage before and it saddens me that people can think this way.

    BluesBrother – Hmmmm. Slice open an elder and find WT all the way through. What is this guy a deluded stick of Brighton rock or ASDA billy bear ham? Yeah. ‘’in love with the truth’’ UGH!!

    WallsofJ – Too true. The naivety is astounding!

    Still thinking – Thanks for the hugs. Mrs Punk would hate for it to be me that shows her how she’s been conned. Oddly, she gets on better with her non JDub family than she does with the Dub family!

    Awaken2004 – Homer Simpson said facts are useless, you can prove anything with facts. Hmmmmm! Sounds very dublike.

    Kurtbethel – a true say!

  • DesirousOfChange

    She cant logically refute you so all she has to go on is emotion.

    This is the case with most Witnesses. They know the "platform", or what they are told from it, but they could in no way support most of their doctrines Scripturally if their life depended on it. OH! They claim you life DOES depend on it. Duh.

    Just try to get the average JDub to explain the 2620 years and how they arrive at 1914. FROM THE BIBLE.

    Just try to get the average JDub to explain (from this past week's WT) why David and/or Bathsheba were not sentenced to death under the Mosaic Law for adultery and conspiracy to commit murder. Instead they both get a "Get Out Of Jail Free Card". Ask them why David could be deemed "repentant" when he never admitted his sin until confronted with it by the prophet Nathan, but if a JW fails to confess willingly and is "discovered" to have sinned, they are stoned to death (DFd) for being unrepentant.

    Ask what justice there is in David rebelling against God and taking a census, and God's punishment being the death of 70,000 Israelites, but David again gets "a pass".

    ASk them why Solomon ignored the Law and took multiple wives from among the Nations that were specifically condemned, and even build places of worship to foriegn gods in Israel (apostacy) and not only given a "pass" from the punishment under the Law for this, but is remembered favorably for a resurrection?

    Ask them why the Bible says that those freely confessing their sins will be forgiven, but Judicial Committees go ahead and disfellowship many who do so (even though DFing is supposed ONLY for those who are unrepentant)?

    They CAN'T do it. They don't read the Bible. They don't know the Bible. They only know the "platform".


  • Azazel

    Well Mr Punkonice im sorry you have to be the Christian and be nice in the relationship.As others have said its like dealing with robots.They are programmed by the WTS to act and respond in prescribed manner.I tried telling ex mrs Azazel about the UN scandal and she woudnt believe me even if i showed her the UN documents about the WTS being a NGO.

    If any are fans of Torchwood the Children of Earth episodes reminds me of the JWs.

    Armageddon is coming!

    Armageddon is coming tomorrow!

    Armageddon is here!

    Armageddon is invisible you just didnt see it!


  • punkofnice

    DoC - Too true. For all they declare about 'accurate knowlege'(TM) it's a false claim. They only 'know' what they are told to know.

    Az - “None so blind as those that will not see.” Matthew Henry (1662-1714) ...

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