James Woods: I'm kind of thinking that I am, but I don't know how the JW mind really works since I never was one.
LeavingWT and Outlaw: Yeah, I do talk to them as I don't think they are all bad. So far they have not given me a reason to tell the to bugger off and leave me and my family alone.
LostGeneration: Yeah, it was rather delusional and I think even Hero knew that which I think is why he immediately backed it up with the whole 'you can take blood and still die' comment. He was not aware of the 1994 Awake article when I asked him about it. I've found that this guy was not aware of a LOT of things concerning da troof. Even though he's been a witness for 40 years.
ziddina: That was funny my daughter doing that. At first I tried to stop her, then I was like, "What the heck, push it in." It amazes me that he thinks that since abstain from blood was mentioned in the Bible that it is a show stopper to G-d. Nevermind the fact that other sins are mentioned in the Bible and yet he does not view them as such grave offenses.
blondie: Guess that WT conductor was showing their true colors. I remember asking my wife if she wanted to read and study the Bible and just as we were about to start, she pulled out a WT. When I objected she responded with, "But to read the Bible alone is leaning on your own understanding." Tell me again how that is different than the witness accusing other Christians of simply following what the pastor says?
jojeffer: Turn on compatability mode in IE 9 or use a different browser.
LongHairGirl: Revisionism, plain and simple.
wha happened: When you woke up, what did you think of studies like me then?
Londo: I've read the book, if Brother Hero does come at me again I may ask to learn more about their history.
Aussie Oz: I know, in his mind no matter what I say, the problem is with me. That does not bother me, I will even give him some credit for trying if he produces anything.
yourmomma: Yeah, I think even he knew the fallacy of that comment considering that he immediately backed it up with the whole 'some people take transfusions and still die' comment.
Phizzy: Even if I could accept the idea that 'abstain from blood' means abstain from it in any way shape or form, Brother Hero still needs to explain how 'abstain from blood' means fractions are okay, so are treatments made from blood, and don't give blood for it must be poured on the ground but take fractions from those who did not pour their blood on the ground. The real question should be, why would any Jehovah's Witness be willing to stake their lives on such a nonsensical doctrine? They have my sympathies.
WTWizard: Good points.
Carla: I brought a copy of CoC to the hall one Wednesday night but I don't think anyone saw it. I also told Brother Hero about that book.
truth_b_known: Exactly. In fact, that was what he said someone told him. "Keep studying and you will soon get it." I guess the fact that his mom was a witness had nothing to do with it....
desirous of change: I asked my wife that one time about Russell. She would point out that people don't like certain things taught by their church and then start their own church. Sounds a lot like Russell to me.
punk: Yeah, I guess I do have to be cruel to be kind sometimes. I doubt I truly heard the last of him but I doubt he will go out of his way to prove their unique doctrines either.