Well, I guess I am marked now...

by garyneal 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • garyneal

    James Woods: I'm kind of thinking that I am, but I don't know how the JW mind really works since I never was one.

    LeavingWT and Outlaw: Yeah, I do talk to them as I don't think they are all bad. So far they have not given me a reason to tell the to bugger off and leave me and my family alone.

    LostGeneration: Yeah, it was rather delusional and I think even Hero knew that which I think is why he immediately backed it up with the whole 'you can take blood and still die' comment. He was not aware of the 1994 Awake article when I asked him about it. I've found that this guy was not aware of a LOT of things concerning da troof. Even though he's been a witness for 40 years.

    ziddina: That was funny my daughter doing that. At first I tried to stop her, then I was like, "What the heck, push it in." It amazes me that he thinks that since abstain from blood was mentioned in the Bible that it is a show stopper to G-d. Nevermind the fact that other sins are mentioned in the Bible and yet he does not view them as such grave offenses.

    blondie: Guess that WT conductor was showing their true colors. I remember asking my wife if she wanted to read and study the Bible and just as we were about to start, she pulled out a WT. When I objected she responded with, "But to read the Bible alone is leaning on your own understanding." Tell me again how that is different than the witness accusing other Christians of simply following what the pastor says?

    jojeffer: Turn on compatability mode in IE 9 or use a different browser.

    LongHairGirl: Revisionism, plain and simple.

    wha happened: When you woke up, what did you think of studies like me then?

    Londo: I've read the book, if Brother Hero does come at me again I may ask to learn more about their history.

    Aussie Oz: I know, in his mind no matter what I say, the problem is with me. That does not bother me, I will even give him some credit for trying if he produces anything.

    yourmomma: Yeah, I think even he knew the fallacy of that comment considering that he immediately backed it up with the whole 'some people take transfusions and still die' comment.

    Phizzy: Even if I could accept the idea that 'abstain from blood' means abstain from it in any way shape or form, Brother Hero still needs to explain how 'abstain from blood' means fractions are okay, so are treatments made from blood, and don't give blood for it must be poured on the ground but take fractions from those who did not pour their blood on the ground. The real question should be, why would any Jehovah's Witness be willing to stake their lives on such a nonsensical doctrine? They have my sympathies.

    WTWizard: Good points.

    Carla: I brought a copy of CoC to the hall one Wednesday night but I don't think anyone saw it. I also told Brother Hero about that book.

    truth_b_known: Exactly. In fact, that was what he said someone told him. "Keep studying and you will soon get it." I guess the fact that his mom was a witness had nothing to do with it....

    desirous of change: I asked my wife that one time about Russell. She would point out that people don't like certain things taught by their church and then start their own church. Sounds a lot like Russell to me.

    punk: Yeah, I guess I do have to be cruel to be kind sometimes. I doubt I truly heard the last of him but I doubt he will go out of his way to prove their unique doctrines either.

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    You did great! I'm very proud of you. If he is searching for those "facts" he'll soon learn that they don't exist. I wouldn't waste too much more of my time with him. It is a waste of time. Time is all we have.

  • NVR2L8

    Several years ago I studied with a well educated man. His wife had been studying with my mom and making quick progress...but the husband started opposing her. So he was invited to come to the Sunday meeting to see for himself...and I offered a study...he started progessing too except for when we reached the question of blood transfusions...he said that out of love for his daughters he would do whatever is necessary to save their lives and would never refuse a blood transfusion. Like the Hero Elder I told him not to worry about deciding right away to obey this law on blood, that such a commitment could only come after he came to a "full understanding" of God's will...To illustrate I asked him if he would have proposed to his wife after their first date...he said no...then I asked if today he would be ready to give his own life to protect her's...he said of course...likewise getting to know more about God would help us obey his laws more closely. So we kept on studying until he got baptized...and it all worked itself out with time. Today I realize how messed up and brain-washed I was to recommand a father forsake his love for his daughters only to sacrifice their lives to obey a man-made law...

  • factfinder

    Good job garyneal! It is amazing how elders and other witnesses know so little and that is excellent you brought up the 1994 g article about kids refusing blood transfusions. I have been lied to by elders before too.

    And good question desirousofchange- I asked my jw brother that. He said the wheat and the weeds would grow together so it would be too difficult for Russell to find God's true servents at that time but that God was using Russell. I said Jehovah could have directed Russell to his faithful annointed ones that were around at that time,right? Why didn't he? My brother said something about the scripture where it mentions turning down foolish questionings and that God was using Russell.

    Since that did not satisfy me, he changed the subject.

  • yourmomma

    gary, your comment to phizzy reminded me of this: http://www.ajwrb.org/currentwtpolicy/abstain.html

    you might find it useful.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "He told me that the witnesses have been preaching the Kingdom since the days of Christ"

    You should have asked him to study "Studies in the Scriptures" with you, if he's so gung-ho about the Kingdom truthiness of WT.

    You did a good job trying to keep him on one topic, blood. He sure tried to be slippery. Abstain from blood? They also said to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, yet just a couple years later, Paul said it was a conscience matter. "Abstain" didn't seem to be any big deal to Paul, more a matter of convenience than life-and-death importance.

    "He responded by saying that while I did not understand things now that in time I will. "

    Yeah, I agree that he's aiming for brainwashing to do its job. I'm afraid that "in time" you'll only have a longer list of questions for him to try to avoid.

  • snare&racket

    Breaking the sabbath law was punishable by death.

    Jesus broke the sabath law to heal a man, he even pointed out how the religious leaders back then would break it to rescue a lamb in a hole, and he didnt condemn them for it, he PROMOTED IT, for life was more valuble than the law. Duhhh !!!

    When Jesus breaks laws punishable by death in order to heal or save it should say enough!Think of all the other laws he broke when healing people, like the lepers, the menstruating woman etc.etc etc......

    It is an easy issue to prove ignorant.

    Do JW's really believe all the other religions dont know those verses? This is why they take blood!

    Its about time they made it a conscience matter and butted out. How little do they know the god of the New Testament (on the whole) if they think saving a childs life would displease him to the level of condeming the person to an everlasting lake of fire.

    Thankfully i dont believe in any of it, but it pains me deeply that people still follow this BS.

    Also 10/10 garyneal you are more informed than many 'lifers' in the religion. Seriously well done.

    Very impressed Snare x

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