Whitney Houston died today

by mrsjones5 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Hands down the best voice of her generation. And very beautiful at one time. It's a tragedy that the last part of her life was such a trainwreck

    RIP Whitney

  • watson

    I'm sure Whitney..."had her way". Just wish she could have *connected* with a quality individual or group that would have looked after her instead of just riding her wave of fame. We see this kind of thing over and over, it just really stands out with an individual of her caliber.

  • mrsjones5

    " I would give darn near anything to be able to sing. It's what sends me."

    Me too Beks, me too.

  • Berengaria

    Mmmm a Beks Jonesy Watson Keyser sandwich sounds real good!

  • poopsiecakes

    I think it's a terrible thing when someone dies like this, no matter who they are. I also think that way too many people forget that just because everyone knows a person's name that they cease to become human - and that's the real tragedy. This woman had an amazing voice, no question about that, but more importantly she was a human being with feelings and failings like the rest of us. When we become a society that recognizes and appreciates talent but remembers that famous people are people, I'll feel like we've advanced as a people.

  • Berengaria


  • watson

    Don't forget the

  • VampireDCLXV

    It must be said that Whitney was a true legend in the music industry. I also have to agree with the sentiment that just because someone becomes famous doesn't mean they stop being human. It's terrible that Whitney got caught up in a whirlwind of self destructive behaviour as time went on. It's truly a tradgedy...


    PS: StopTheTears's stupidity rarely fails to astound me... *SMH*

  • thetrueone

    This video shows how good of a singer she really was., it was taken in 1994 at the America Music Awards.

    A good way to remember her I think .


  • watson

    Oh my freaking god. I had never seen that True One. Thank you.

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