Make sure you don't heat the miracle wheat in the microwave just before your organless transplant... it can severely affect the acceptable theocratic albumin-globulin ratio in your blood fractions.
I'm going to sit on top of my pyramid in the Pleiades eating my miracle wheat for 1,000 years while I tack into the wind....
by baltar447 44 Replies latest jw friends
Don't forget the benefits of regularly reverse-flushing yourself with the garden hose; said to do wonders for general health!
Bungi ...
Excellent point, although I personally prefer a Wagner Power Sprayer. Mine has a quart container that I premix with 2 parts kerosene to 1 part peach schnapps and a few drops of red shoe polish as a tracer. It cleans well and your breath smells much better when you floss between your teeth afterwards.
The down side is that the vibration of the sprayer against the prostate can become rather addictive. To each his own.
Rub a Dub
Is Miracle Wheat anything like Quadro-Triticale?
Nah....Unlike Miracle Wheat, Triticale (Wheat x Rye hybrid) is actually real The name is taken from Triticum (Wheat) + Secale (Rye)
Be sure to chase that ovum that is at large...there's an APB on it....but watch out for those sex disturbances that might hinder you along the way....
Ah you're right Leolaia, I must keep the women folk under my care AWAY from men during their animalistic ovulation period. Otherwise they'll be wanting to sex interview anyone with a penis!