Mean Mr. Mustard... OMG he DOES sound like the WT.....That's it, yes....... that's why he rubs everyone the wrong way!!!!!!!
Rick Fearon should apologise for accusing faders of being cowards
by cedars 188 Replies latest jw friends
breakfast of champions
Fading and/or laying low is far from cowardice--- it is a choice. Faders realize that "coming out" as a stark-raving-mad apostate will do NOTHING to help family or friends see TTATT. Nothing. That is why they use DISCRETION in making important life choices -- because their lives and the lives of their loved ones are in the balance.
How do I personally feel about this guy? (not that it matters):
I remember coming upon his site YEARS ago and thinking to myself, "Wow, the Watchtower is right about these apostates!" I immediately threw my search engine in reverse and backed the hell outta there and never googled Jehovah anything again--- until I started researching 607.
Amazing - one of the few threads with his name in it with no comment from him! That says so much in it's own right.
It was researching 607 that helped me as well.
I was scared to death of "apostate" websites...especially the crazy and sensational ones.
He doesnt have a lot of respect for his atheist/agnostic callers. He only listens to the christian callers. Its not fair. I like his show but I think I'm gonna be tuning it out for a little while, and listening to Madsweeney's show instead.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I like peanut butter on my French Toast, thus making me a non-coward!
I like peanut butter on my French Toast, thus making me a non-coward!
yea, was "French" bread... thus negating the bravery of peanut butter
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
LOL! Ya got me there!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I'm attending university at 45+ years old. Does that make me a non-coward?
I'm attending university at 45+ years old. Does that make me a non-coward?
Now that is super human stuff right there. A 45 year old in with a bunch of 20-22 year olds. Been to a toga party yet? Have you pledged? Panty raids? All night kegger? Hooked up with a cheeleader? I wish I went to college...