Rick is Rick, he seems frustrated and takes extreme measures to try and provoke others to come out and speak up publically about the Watchtower. I think many of us can empathize with his frustration while at the same time disagree with his tactics.
Rick Fearon should apologise for accusing faders of being cowards
by cedars 188 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Been to a toga party yet? Have you pledged? Panty raids? All night kegger? Hooked up with a cheeleader?
Let's see, that would be a no, no, no, no, no. I'm old enough to go to bars, etc., (and the etc. is the best part). So I don't have to hang around the kids from school waiting for someone to throw up on me.
Oh yeah, Outlaw he is, I forgot about that.
"No fluff just shock" . . . sums up Rick. It should be carved on his pyramid-shaped headstone. My first encounter with the shock jock was when homosexuals were having a shag in the background at Jesus' crucifixion in a WTS publication. The PublishingCult thread was epic insanity.
As for getting an apology? . . . Cedars, you have more chance getting British Rail to run on time.
So I don't have to hang around the kids from school waiting for someone to throw up on me.
Thanks sizemik - I've calmed down a bit now. I realise there is little chance of getting anything resembling humility or regret from this clown. As I've said, most of the time I see a "koolaid man" thread and just ignore it, but I read his latest thread and he seems to me to be getting worse. I've also been quietly seething over this pathetic little swipe at Mad Sweeney (whom I greatly admire), and I didn't want it to go unnoticed.
@Cedars . . . I saw the remark and came to the same conclusion. PublishingCult started his own show as well . . . some interviews he did were excellent. I think Ricks swipe is commercially driven deep down . . . he doesn't want to lose business to his competition. That's how he measures things it would appear.
I have no informed opinion about this RF fellow. (But he sounds like a very polarizing character in the XJW realm)
But I know that anyone who criticises the method various individuals use to get their minds free of the WTB&TS are being very narrow minded. Clean Breakers, Fast Faders, Slow Faders, or simply those who lay low and go with the program for their own reasons, they deserve respect and empathy.
There is a vast range of disturbing human emotions being displayed that are not normal. To begin with there is to much preoccupation and worry with negligible details. It has become an uncontrollable obsession for a handful of suffering jwn members to criticise and ridicule in group behavior. Like sharks engaging in a feeding frenzy! My fellow posters may I remind you we are all fighting the same war! Unfortunately these self inflicting, masochist displaying obsessive compulsive symptoms have never learned to neutralize their nitpicking habits. Relentless hostility toward someone making major inroads in helping JWs find out what The Watchtower is hiding behind and continuous attacking, shows there is a hidden agenda behind there ignoble exploits. Enjoying the advantage of not having to hide in cyber -space is sensible and healthy,I do not have to pretend I still follow the dictates of the cult to appease others around me. Living a double life is mentally dangerous and regretfully sad to say it's manifestations are showing up on this thread. .Trained clinical psychologists examining this thread would would quickly conclude that there is unheathy and troubling behavior running rampant here.