Why is the Memorial so important to JWs?

by Ding 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding


    There's a meeting where WT dogma is taught... nothing unusual there...

    They pass around bread and wine and in the vast majority of KHs no one at all partakes.

    If anything, it is a pantomime of WT teaching that the "great crowd" of "other sheep" have no part in the blood and body of Christ.

    Hardly something to celebrate...

  • designs

    Odd as it seems they still get all dressed up for the Event of the Year.

  • james_woods

    Well, one could ask the same thing about Field Service - hours upon hours spent without even a hint of a recruitment taking place.

    All of it is acquired habit - they are just going through the motions.

  • undercover

    The Memorial...

    Jesus died as a ransom sacrifice, buying back what Adam lost. It is a memorial of that sacrifice for all of humankind.

    Somehow though they've turned it into an observation of recognizing the anointed that serve under Christ more than about the sacrifice of Christ himself.

    Which raises two questions:

    If it's more about the anointed, why do the non-anointed need to get all worked up about it? They're not included in the covenant, they're not part of the true Christian congregation. Their observing is just that ... observing, nothing else

    And - since the notion that Adam was created 6,000 years ago is fictional, the reason for Jesus to sacrifice himself is therefore based on myth, making that sacrifce pretty much a moot point. Since Adam didn't exist, didn't lose perfection for mankind.... nothing was gained by Jesus execution. It's a memorial of nothing.

  • designs

    First step is to buy into the Great Crowd/Other Sheep explaination after that its a cake walk eer wafer...

  • BluesBrother

    It is important because the G B says that it is important..........

    despite the lack of partakers, there is at least a measure of ceremony and procedure , so it is different to the regular meetings...

    They have the chance to dress up the platform with flowers.....

    The evening is handled with a measure of solemnity to add gravitas to it. There are no q & a, no quips , nothing unrehearsed.........

    The whole procedure of "the emblems" is done in a way that makes it seem special, almost Holy. The speaker invites another elder to the platform to say a prayer over the "bread", the body of servers approach and are individually served with the bread, they then go among the audience who are all afraid of dropping it and have to maintain a respectful silence....each plate is handed carefully back to the speaker .....The last server ceremonially "serves" the speaker who gives in back before getting it in return to place on the table....Then the whole thing is done again with the wine..

    Some of them might even spare a thought for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, too

  • yknot

    Oh come-on!

    This is a no-brainer!


    Heels higher then 3.5 inches!

    Option to wear a lil shimmer or some tulle and still be over 35!

    New unmentionables too!

  • Ding

    I agree, Designs.

    Why have the "other sheep' there are all, since they don't participate?

    Why not just have an "anointed only" gathering?

    The meal is just for them anyway.

    They could save a lot of money on gas and electric bills if they would only open up KHs where some "anointed" were actually going to show up and partake.

    As it is, it's like filling a huge stadium so everyone can come for an hour and watch an empty field where there are no players.

  • truth_b_known

    "...the body of servers approach and are individually served with the bread, they then go among the audience who are all afraid of dropping it and have to maintain a respectful silence....each plate is handed carefully back to the speaker .....The last server ceremonially "serves" the speaker who gives in back before getting it in return to place on the table....Then the whole thing is done again with the wine.." - BluesBrother

    I had often had a similar thought. Why the hell is it so important for the "Other Sheep" present to each hold the emblem and pass it. It's very cermemonial, which the hold Lord's Evening Meal is, but just asenine. It's as if you have offended Jehovah or Jesus by not holding and refusing to partake.

    It would save a whole lot of time if the speaker just said,"Is anyone going to partake? No? Ok. Please stand as we sing song number..."

  • yknot

    Before when 1935 was the sealing....We all got to get-together and watched how many less partook.

    Now we all watch to see who will take and then write them off as a nutter...

    We had our first partaker last year, the gasps were so loud and a few kids exclaiming 'he can't do that' that the man didn't even bother with the wine.....

    Gonna be a snooze fest cuz we got late memorial assignment.......wish we woud go back to renting a facility.

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