Living a fraudulent life or one of ostracism is an awful dilemma! No person in a free country should face such an ambivalent fork in the road of life!
Can you imagine Jesus shunning anybody? He did not shun Peter who denied him nor Judas who would betray him. He did not shun Pharisees who baited him or those "despicable" Samaritans who were apostate. Jesus is the only model worth considering if you are serious in embracing Christianity.
But, no--the Watchtower religion has a seemingly "higher" standard than the founder of Christianity itself!!
Or is it?
Is it "higher" or is it a distortion of the very purpose of Christianity?
Should we not ask ourselves what the purpose of Christianity actually is?
Doesn't the Good Shepherd LEAVE the faithful flock to pursue and embrace the apostate sheep who has left the fold?
The 99 are left behind as the Shepherd lovingly and with initiative seeks out and enfolds the 1 self-ostracized sheep!
100% are important to Jesus.
Jesus is INCLUSIVE. His message is FOR the weak.
Comfort is for those who do not measure up.
What good is forgiveness to those not allowed to fall short?
Look at the contrast with the Watchtower religion!
You are admonished to NOT EVEN PRAY FOR the stray sheep. You are to hate them, marginalize them as mental defectives and eagerly embrace their imminent destruction!
How could an actual, bona fide footstep follower of the Good Shepherd Jesus be so contrary in disposition to their supposed Master??
The only feasible and rational explanation is that, by their actions, the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses have proved they are not the "faithful" slave, but rather, are the "evil slave" who beat up those under their oversight!
Jehovah's Witnesses are all too eager to pull the trigger on dissent and worship as a death cult. Dead men's bones are their joy.
Kingdom halls become museums to shackled, pretend saints rather than hospitals for needy sinners.