The gun is the SHUN: the JW's who no longer believe but cannot leave!

by Terry 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    The shunning and disfellowshipping policy can also be compared to 'stoning', especiall clear in the story of the adulteress brought before Christ to be stoned. The letter of the law stated that an adulteress is to be stoned. Yet Christ forgave her... and said that he who is without sin could cast the first stone.

    The WTS promotes a 'letter of the law' and forgets all about mercy, which is the greater thing.

    And just as he who is without sin could cast the first stone (and none could of course), then a witness should consider that he who is without sin can commit the first act of shunning. Or marking. Or any of the other things that they do to punish one another.



  • Zordino
  • ziddina

    Terry - EXCELLENT thread!! Marking...

  • ziddina
    "One such case I've personally witnessed has coloured my judgement completely. A sister with two children encouraged to leave the Borg and ministerial hubby. Once out, to be cold, she could not cope. She had no friends, no family to help, no partner, no support structure... she wasn't exactly dancing through fields of pretty flowers enjoying her new found freedom. What's more as she grew up in the Borg she seemed to lack the ability to operate in "da real world". Making friends, joining clubs, etc... etc.. was alien to her...." M*A*S*H*

    That's exactly why I always maintained a few "worldly" friends, and built an "escape route", before I left... Had a job that paid my expenses comfortably, a place to live, my own transportation, and most importantly, I refused to have children with my Jehovah's Witness husband...

    And that's why I urge young JWs to build such an "escape route" before THEY leave...


    "More trivially, I don't know about anyone else, but for years I had an uneasy feeling on Tuesday and Thursday night, almost like I should be 'doing' something?! ..." M*A*S*H*

    Me too, but fortunately for me, most of the belly-dancing classes I took, were scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights....


  • PaintedToeNail

    Terry-Wow, this is really insightful, compelling and true for so many of us here.

    tornapart-I'm with you 100%, in know exactly what you are saying.

    Excellent comments, everyone!

  • LV101

    One sick cult. Great article, Terry. Who do these psychotic ole losers that run the evil think they are. They have damaged/affected individuals' health, livelihood, happiness, families, etc., and something has to give.


  • stillstuckcruz

    Indeed!!!! Everyday I am mentally worn out with what my future will look like and what I will finally say to my parents when the news of my "apostacy" comes out. I am always wary of what I say and how I say things around my family for fear I slip up and unveil my cover. Its truly a terrible feeling...knowing that I am a complete farse.

    The Shun Gun is constantly looming over my head and the only thing that stops me and many others from jumping ship at the first chance we get.

    As M*A*S*H said: " the JW rug has been yanked from under them"......along with everything and everyone that goes along with that. It's incredibly difficult for a born-in to do so as they often have nothing else but what's in borg. Once that's all gone, they fall apart. The organization would have you believe that those who are doing terribly in "the world" are failing because they "left Jehovah"...but that has nothing to do with it.

    I'm done rambling because I'm just getting depressed here :)

  • Terry

    Would it be going out too far to say that: remove the SHUNNING POLICY and the Kingdom Halls would lose an immediate 33% of its membership?

  • ziddina
    "remove the SHUNNING POLICY and the Kingdom Halls would lose an immediate 33% of its membership?..." Terry

    I suspect that the numbers leavin might be much higher....

    And that's the fear of the Govening Body, too... That's why they keep trying to lock things down even further...

  • ziddina


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