Yet another child a victim of sexual abuse in my JW family

by Lady Lee 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    SEXUAL ABUSERS DO NOT CHANGE," is so very true and yet part of the problem in how the WT society doesn't insist on changing their policies.

    The thing is that they believe that if a persn says "I'm sorry and won't do it again" then they won't do it again. No amount of prayer, service and meetings will make a sexual predator change. Given the opportunity they will do it again.

    The policy works for them because it requires that they do nothing. They get to sweep it under the carpet and protect their reputation. Meanwhile the abuser is free to continue the abuse or find new victims.


    I wonder if abusive parents, or those that allow it, have lost (or never had) an appreciation for how profoundly damaging this behaviour is. Not trying to make excuses for them . . . but if they too have come from a hidden abusive background, then a normal reaction to it is probably not possible. Of course, the WTS has no such excuse . . . and are constantly guilty of aiding and abetting this practice . . . when they DO in fact know better.

    The history of sexual abuse in my family is huge.. . HUGE. My grandmother had 11 children. The one that I mentioned in the first post who had been sexually abused by my step-father committed suicide shortly after the sexual abuse was discovered. She was 13 yerars old. From the surviving 10 children I had been able to trace down through the next 4 generations and there are over 100 family members who have been sexually abused in my family. It is the norm rather than the exception. There is no normal reaction to it in this family. It's like getting chicken pox. It happens and you forget about it. No big deal.

    But it is a big deal. A very big deal. Very few of us got the help we needed and stopped the cycle of abuse. MY kids got more than the "Don't talk to strangers or men in cars" talk. I sat them down with their father present and told them that no one had a right to touch them on certain parts of their body or ask them to touch certain parts of the other person's body. And it didn't matter if it was me or their father or uncle or grandpa or teacher or anyone. And if anyone asked or tried they should tell and keep telling until they got help. The cycle was broken. I know only one other and possibly one or two others from the original 10 children where the cycle was not passed on.

    I thought this was one of the exceptions.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    BTW I gave my cousin the link to this thread. She is impressed with your responses. Thank you.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thank you PaintedToeNail (interesting ID) and Jamie.

    freetosee. Thanks for your comment even if you didn't read it. I do what I can to help other survivors.

    EmptyInside I don't understand it either. Far too many of these women believe that they must stay with these abusers. Or they keeo marrying men who are abusers.


    You are right. It is a very sick family. I am glad I have so little contact with them. But then someone contacts me and I find one more victim int he family. But I tell you I was shocked about this one. I didn't think they had very much contact because they lived quite a driving distance from each other - enough to be in different congregations. Clearly it wasn't far enough.

    I have no idea how many women that one has gone through. It's like a revolving door.

  • talesin

    I'm so sorry to hear that, LL. I understand.

  • wiser

    Lady Lee, Do you now if your mother was sexually abued as a child? I had a friend who was abused as a child who grew up to believe that this is normal behavior in all families. Her life was really screwed up because of the abuse. I hope all who are abused can get the help and healing they need.

  • Mary
    The fathers did the abuse but the mothers closed their eyes and if not condoned certainly turned a blind eye to the possibility of it happening. And far too often the mother blames the child or even worse knew and did nothing.

    Lee, IMO these women turn a blind eye to the abuse for one reason: They are needy, stupid women who can't seem to live without a man in their lives and they are willing to sacrifice children's lives and safety, as long as the loser-pig walks comes home at night. That's truly the only reason I can think of. Unfortunately, your mother seems to really know how to pick them.

    My grandmother's step father tried molesting her when she was about 10 years old. Fortunately she was very fiesty and she kicked him in the balls so he didn't try it again. When she went to tell her mother what he tried, her mother beat her for "telling lies". Dumb, stupid woman who just couldn't live without a man in her life and she was willing to sacrifice her own daughter just to make her own life more comfortable.

  • LongHairGal

    LADY LEE: It is awful to read this and I wish the whole world would know about the atrocities in this awful religion!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Common law marriages did not apply to any shack up. They existed in a handful of Southern states where travel to the county seat was impracticble for poor folk. Common lawm marriages had strict rules. I never understood why common law marriage is considered a marriage, rather than a shack up. If you can make it to the next town, you can't have a common marriage law marriage. And women are usually the victims.

    This must be devestating to you. I suppose there is nothing the state will do. When I was young and sorely abused, I fantasized that my generation would be better b/c we were better. We had morals. My JW cousins did not finish high school in their rush to marry. It truly sickened me. Despite the problems I had, I rejoiced that I was not one of them. Pregnanies --illigetimate children- appeared months before schedule. Despite the scrutiny I faed, it was a ok. They had, after all, married leading brothers. Jokes outside the org. Soon, it made the family rounds that these bastards - now true individuals and bundles from heaven-were being stomped on and beaten.

    Man vs. woman. Who is favored? It is a disease that visits generation after generation. Adult Children of Alcholics and Dysfunctional Families teaches it ismultigeneral. Without extreme intervention, it will continue down family lines. I wanted my own family so much. It seemed as tho I would burst. My goal was a little girl that resembled me. Mary Jane shoes, ballet, wide sashes on party dresses, anklets with lace, little girl hair. She would ride horses, study ballet and French. Do all that I was denied. She would live in Paris for several years. Somewhere along the line I realized the danger. Magic does not happen. Next, I realized that I would spent all my years of custody in therapy to be resilient and stop my demons from affecting here. Good grades and life success does not mean you are home free.

    Lady Lee, all I can offer is my sympathy. If it continues, maybe you should see a family law lawyer.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Lee I'm so sorry.

    When I was in therapy for abuse my therapist, Carol, told me there are three roles in an abusive family -- abuser/victim/denier. Denial and enabling oftentimes come to the same thing, as I've found out to my chagrin the past year. But it's clear which role in the family your mother plays.

    What is it going to take before my Jehovah’s Witness mother realizes there is something seriously wrong with her? What is it going to take for anyone in the family to realize children are not safe in her car? Oh my mother isn’t the abuser. She is the enabler.

    There is nothing, not a burning bush not even if the heavens opened, a flashing neon sign lit up complete with HD video of the abuse. She does not see because she does not want to see. None so blind as those who will not see. How many times have we all debated with active JWs on this board, disproved down to the very DNA of their teachings that The Truth is not true? And yet many still stay. My ex-wife was like that, she stayed for 13 years. My father in law read Ray Franz's book, handed back to me and said "I don't disagree with anything in that book." And yet he stayed. Till he killed himself.

    I will never understand it, but I accept as a reality that there are many people in this life who turn a blind eye. We all make mistakes, god knows, but these people once they become aware of a problem, once they see there is evil they do make no effort to stop it. In point of fact, they do the opposite and enable the evil to continue.

    To quote Professor Dumbledore -- "We all have the choice between doing what is right and doing what is easy."

    My mother knew her c-l husband had a history of sexually abusing his 3 daughters in his first marriage. She had just gotten custody of her younger sister who was 13 and now she had me (11 yrs old) and she had a daughter with him. Why she never thought he would abuse us is also beyond me to understand. And yes he abused all of us. By this time they were studying with the Witnesses – just studying. The elder was called in both times when she found out about that he was abusing my aunt and I. They recommended that she send us away to live somewhere else and kept him in the home and in the congregation. My sister was 2 at the time. Before she was 3 he started abusing her. This time he disappeared, so nothing was done about reporting him to the police.

    Incredible. I've often wondered how OJ Simpson lives with what he did, late at night when no one is around, no act to perform just he and his memory. And whatever conscience, if any, exists.

    She knew and yet still took up with this "man". Disgusting. Enabler is the kindnest thing to be said about her.

    Oftentimes victims are angrier at the non-abusive parent than they are towards the one who actually raped them.

    A few years later my mother married again. Shortly after the marriage she met one of her new husband’s daughters. They were not invited to the wedding, nor did they have any contact with him. She met them in a restaurant and she told my mother that her new husband had sexually abused her as a child. That is why none of his daughters. I think he had two and a son) had nothing to do with him. So here she was living with another sexual predator. And my sister was living in the home. It didn’t take long before my sister told my mother that he made advances toward her. She was able to fend him off and told my mother. Her response – kick the kid out of the house for making trouble simply because she didn’t like her new step-father.

    Again -- incredible. She's sort of like a heat-seeking missle, just some mindless machine looking for the most dysfunctional predator out there. Talk about an open door policy. Absolutely disgusting.

    I don't believe in hell, but I can understand how the concept was invented. Some crimes are so horrific prison or even death just isn't enough is it?

    And besides it's always easier to silence rather than address the problem. Easy but not right.

    Hello! What made her shut her eyes to the possibility he would try it again? He had a history of sexually abusing children! Sexual abusers do not change. Given the opportunity they will do it again.

    No predators do not change. I'm a bleeding heart liberal yet from what I've seen the world would be a better place to simply lock up offenders. It's a bit like an alcoholic or an addict, except in this case even if you give to the offender the best motives for redemption, look at the consequences if they fall off the wagon.

    But they don't see anything "wrong" in what they do. They live in abscence of morality and want what they want and often enjoy the pain they inflict. It is a reality I accept without truly understanding it. Sort of like algebra.

    I feel sick that it happened again. There were other children in her home over the years. How many others were abused there while visiting or while in her care? I felt sick when I found this out. Now I am angry and sick and oh so sad for that little girl and for all of us who were never safe under my mother’s roof.

    And I hurt with you.

    If there is anything positive, no matter how small, there are so many more resources available now. It is so much easier for a child to get help now than it was for us 40 years ago. We were literally on our own, with no Internet, no Facebook, no chats -- no one to reach out to and even if we did society back then refused to hear us. That's not the case now.

    And isn't the real damage not the physical act but the years of living with the shame and guilt put on us by others? If the children can get help, sooner rather than later, then the damage done is nothing compared to what we went through. And yes, it is sad. Very sad.


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I can relate to everything you said about being abused and what Big Tex said. I hated myself, blamed myself, wished I was dead. I have had thoughts of suicide all my life, I have felt worse then the lowest of scum and I fight those feeling till this day. I truly think I will always feel this way in many ways until I day. And why do I feel this way because I was sexually abused as a child.

    But yet I still believed that the JW's had the 'truth' and that they just did not know what truly was happening in my parents home and that I was being abused. Now looking back the elders had to have known. One CO told me even he thought the elders knew more and just looked a blind eye this CO even went so far as to say he wondered if I had blocked out some of the things that happened to me. As a child and young adult I always felt that if the elders had truly known they would have helped me. I closed my eyes I now realize to what the truth really was. I do not know why I did that I wish I knew because I now know the elders could have cared less about me.

    I had to wake up to the facts the hard way when we had a sexual abuser move into my current hall and I knew about his past. I truly thought the elders would do the right thing, they would make sure this child molester was never able to harm children. How very, very, very wrong I was.

    I will never forget the gut reaching feeling I had when one of the prominent elders in the hall was very, very upset with me over this child molester. This elder told me it was WORLDLY WISDOM for me to say that child molester cannot be cured. Apparently he had to have felt that with Jehovah's help anyone could stop. Why else would this elder have been so mad at me over it. This elder was ever way more upset when I got the PUBLIC court and police records on this child molester. THEY WERE PUBLIC and yet this elder acted like I had committed a crime to even have these records. None of the elders would even take the records expect the PO COBE who took them reluctantly. Finally I mailed all the records to Bethel certified so I know they have them. That really ticked off my elders.

    This elder was beyond mad at me because I told a mom in the hall about one of the child molester, this elder called me nothing but a peer gossip and said the the elders would watch the children and NO PARENTS WERE EVER TO KNOW who the CHILD MOLESTERS WERE PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the parents to know it would be gossiping. THE ELDERS WERE IN CHARGE! I could be DF'ed if I did not keep my mouth shut.

    This elder informed me about one of the child molesters in the hall and how he did not even do any crime even though I knew he had been in prison for eight years for raping a eight year old child. When I told the elder that I also knew of this child molesters records the elder said the child molester brother had meet with the whole body of elders and informed them he did not do the crime but only took the rap for his son so his son would not have to go to prison. This elder acted like that was so very noble of this child molester.

    I was sick, it was like this elder had kicked me in the gut. I was alone with him in his office, which I should never have been. I was married and so was this elder, my husband who was an elder at the time should have been there at the least.

    I went home and emailed all the other elders what had been told to me by this elder. The elder was beyond mad at me for that and said what he had told me was in confidence and he had only told me because of how upset I was acting, he felt it would be good for me to know the truth I guess of why this child molester had been in prison and was now holding children at the meetings?

    I like what Big Tex says here (It's a bit like an alcoholic or an addict, except in this case even if you give to the offender the best motives for redemption, look at the consequences if they fall off the wagon.

    But they don't see anything "wrong" in what they do. They live in abscence of morality and want what they want and often enjoy the pain they inflict. It is a reality I accept without truly understanding it. Sort of like algebra.) Unlike what that elder told me was just worldly wisdom, its not it is the truth child molesters DO NOT STOP!

    None of it made any sense and still does not in how and why Jehovah's Witnesses do and act toward child molesters to hide them and how unkindly they treat those of us who have been hurt by the child molesters.

    Reading your OP Lady Lee is like reading parts of my life. I have been to counseling, I have been on meds, I have joined support groups, etc. My medical doctor told me that for me to get better I had to stay away from the meetings because they were what was making me sick and that there was no pill to fix that. My doctor told me being around child molesters and elders who deafened them was just not good for me mentally the only way to get better was to stay away. I have just come to the conclusion that I guess I will always be sad, every day is a fight for me. I have to work to enjoy life, to not wish I was dead. It is a constant struggle that I fight in my mind every minute of the day where I have to think to myself over and over I want to be happy, I do not want to be sad, I have a right to life just like everyone else in this world. If I give in I want to die because I feel I do not deserve life. Why do I have this struggle? Why do I have to fight for life its all because of child molesters being able to run free, and they truly run free in this religion.


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