Just asking - I thought I saw something wrong...
Cedars, have you broken the vow?
by james_woods 40 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
A vow is a vow.
Yes I'm sorry James, I couldn't help it. I found it so funny that Rick was blatantly trying to promote his church "Upper Room Ministries", so I thought I'd jump in and post my own thread to Upper Room Ministries - the one in Jerusalem!!!
I guess we all have our relapses right? If you want, I can forego any Ferrari-driving privileges for the next month??!!
I need help. Please everyone stop judging me!!!
Just come back to our meetings, and have a nice cinnamon bear claw.
Mail me the keys to your Ferrari - I will send them back at the end of March.
James_woods, thank you for not judging me. I'm over my relapse now and I feel at peace with myself. I'm back in a positive place.
I promise that I will send you the keys to any Ferraris that are in my posession at the next available opportunity.
It is our place to support one another, not to judge one another.
Welcome back, Cedars.