Has anyone actually visited the Upper Room Ministries website? I find it absolutely hilarious, and proof if proof were needed that Rick is a few cents short of a dollar. The guy needs help in all seriousness. I feel bad for making his life any worse, because, well, he needs help.
Here is a picture that is displayed prominently...
...followed by the intriguing invitation "Click on the image above to discover the Four Legs of Life!" HILARIOUS! The four legs of life. How does he come up with this stuff? What goes on in this guy's mind??!
"I need to help people find their way to Christ. What better way to do this than to use an item of furniture, how bout a chair? Yes, a chair will do. After all, it has four legs. Four legs. Yes, what can those four legs mean? Well lets see, one leg can stand for having a truly wholesome relationship with one's spouse, the second leg can be a job that secures a means of living, the third leg can be wholesome recreation, and the fourth leg, let's see, the fourth leg can be bringing God into your life! Ah yes, brilliant. Take away one of the legs and the whole chair collapses. That's four legs for you, always better than three. Now, what does the dove flying into the room represent??!......."
Based on such numerically-weighted reasoning, it all makes perfect sense why Rick invented the "Six Screens of the Watchtower".