FFS -this koolaid man business is beginning to dominate the board. If you don't like his methods, don't read his posts - simples!!
Cedars, have you broken the vow?
by james_woods 40 Replies latest jw friends
FFS -this koolaid man business is beginning to dominate the board. If you don't like his methods, don't read his posts - simples!!
And with that, we come full circle - that is what the vow was all about in the first place.
"It's no surprise to me that he's reaching out to the four-legged among us. ..." sizemik
Well, there goes Shamus and Azazel....
Shamus is actually four armed - Ziddina. He has four evil hands.
"If you don't like his methods, don't read his posts - simples!!"
Lord knows I don't.
Think About It
I found it so funny that Rick was blatantly trying to promote his church "Upper Room Ministries"
I've paid very little attention to Rick Fearon, but trying to organize X-JW's against the WTS while having his own personal religious agenda is something only a fool would think would work here. The Elmer Fudd sounding Wannabe was irratating enough with his PT Barum/Jerry Springer approach, and some of the con jobs he pulled, but bringing his personal cult into it is crossing the line.
I openly mock the sorry charlatan.
Think About It
Is this profound wisdom, or a new blend of Christianity and OCD?? . . . Cedars
I'm going with OCD
Now I'm going to take my full circle and leave . . .
Monday morning will be a new day.
And perhaps a new thread will be threre when the sun rises.
Band on the Run
The image alone is beautiful. Maybe the chair could go. It is not a horrid image. In order to be nice, I will not comment about the four legs of the chair.
We are saving a chair for you, and have plenty of coffee. - URMA (Upper Room Ministries Anonymous)