Steven Unthank: What do we really know?

by SweetBabyCheezits 503 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • MeanMrMustard

    ooops, my last post belonged to my cat... Jumped on my keyboard ... I can't edit it for some reason

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Tale were u answering my question? I nevr insinuated that $350 was sufficiant to cover court costs. I've been to court way too many times to be that naive. The way that article was written it appeared that it could have progressed if not for the financial issue. Honestly I think $350 could have been gathered up. Who knows if that article is just leaving to many facts out. I haven't a clue now what those facts really are now.

    I have a strong suspician that there are a few individuals out there laughing their ass of right now, at all the bickering going on

  • talesin

    UC,, very true,, all I'm saying is ,,,, small steps ,,, small steps,,,, that's what starts the journey ,,, no effort is useless, and what Unthank has done has given us COURAGE, and realization that officials WILL LISTEN ... maybe they didn't have the evidence they needed to prosecute fully, but at least NOW, in Australia, the elders MUST have a background check and they are ON NOTICE ,,, that


    It's CHILD RAPE ,,, every small battle won is a victory ... I am speaking from the heart here,,, for the sake of the children.



  • undercover

    my last post belonged to my cat... Jumped on my keyboard

    And that may yet be the best post on the entire subject...

    Good on ya, Mr/Miss Kitty...

  • cedars

    undercover, what's the thrust of your argument? Are you saying that Unthank has a fundamentally flawed character just because he couldn't stump up $350 dollars on one particular occasion when called upon to do so? If that's a crime, then I plead guilty also. The fact that he went into a legal process under-funded is a moot point, because he obviously overcame those difficulties to pursue the case as far as it could go. The case collapsed because the prosecutor refused to take it further, not because of lack of funding. So what's your point?


  • talesin

    hahah,,, Mean,, that's happened to me, too! So,,, you are slave to a feline, as well, hey?



  • talesin

    No, Wha! ,, I was not answering you at all. Sorry, it was so heated, I will have to go back and read what you said.... the others got me so riled up. sowwy! :))


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well I questioned it because u seem leveled headed so it appeared out of character.

  • poopsiecakes
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Cedars the point about the money shows a lack of preparation and forethought. Both of which would be right up there on the priorities list when going to court.

    Seems like a statement of the blinding obvious to me.

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