I don't think it's flawed or shows a lack of preparation on the part of the funds. I just wanted to know why it wasn't raised until after the fact. It really isn't much in the whole scheme of things
Steven Unthank: What do we really know?
by SweetBabyCheezits 503 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Witness My Fury
Cedars the point about the money shows a lack of preparation and forethought. Both of which would be right up there on the priorities list when going to court.
Big deal! Some of the greatest things in history have been done with a lack of preparation and forethought. The Battle of Britain was fought and won against seemingly insurmountable odds with a lack of preparation and forethought. If doing things on the cuff is a smear on one's character, then you can put me in the dock with Unthank.
mind blown
@undercover I had to came back one more time. My childish side got the best of me..can you find my face or hear my voice in this photo.
@talesin: Yes, I have 4 cats. Most sleep the day away. One in particular insists on being in my face 24/7.
Witness My Fury
So if you have a court case pending you do no preparation or anything? You dont make sure you can afford it? You are a very strange person indeed.
Guerrilla warfare of posting signs and marching/protesting is not a court fight. That's a hit and run tactic. It's not a showdown of opposing armies.
What I'm saying is that you don't bring a knife to a gunfight. You go to court against the WT legal department and you don't even have $500? That's not balls, that's reckless.
This is true,.... BUT ... we are talking about child rape here... which the majority of people want to deny, because it's so horrific.
We need to have awareness first,,, then we may get people behind the fight,,, so NO ............... No effort is wasted, if it brings awareness to the public eye.
Does that make sense to you? Sincerely. Really... that's how I feel. For all my life,,, my abuse has been denied. So... legal battles are important, yes,,, but even having the people of THIS FORUM KNOW that it REALLY HAPPENED is a victory!
I personally went on the Dialogue call and asked Steven Unthank about the sun picture. Here is his answer to my question transcribed:
"That picture it does have a little bit of history behind it. It was drawn by a young child in the Tarragalon congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. This child had been abused, or actually raped, by a fellow member of the religion, not in that congregation, but in another congregation. This was when I started the case this young child was quite small and was part of the original group of children that I decided to stand up for and protect and when I started my initial campaign for compliance on serveral occasions when I wrote letters it was in regards to her so that she could feel safe within the religion. When I decided I had no choice but to prosecute the case myself I had to resign from the religion. One, I was ashamed to be a Jehovah's Witness and that was a great part of not wanting to be a sharer in what they were doing. The other part was that if I was disfellowshipped then all the action I'd taken as a member of the religion would be discredited, I'd be forever labled a disgruntled former member, someone who is disfellowshipped etc etc. So, to protect the integrity of the case and to do the right thing I resigned.
Now it was some time later that I was down the street and I saw the family where this young child, she was about 4 at the time, she was skipping along and she saw me and she came up to me and she said to me words along the lines of "daddy says I'm not allowed to talk you" and then she explained the reason why and she said, "because you don't love Jehovah" and that was because she had been told that I was no longer a Jehovah's Witness. Then I just stood there looking at her, because, what do you say? She then gave me a hug off she went skipping along back with her family. Then I think about later that week, or possibly the next weekend, my mother came up to me and she had a little picture which I've got on my wall. It's a small circle of paper and it's what this young girl had drawn at kindergarten and she'd asked that it be given to me and she said to tell me that it was "the sun to make you happy."
So that's where that picture came from. So I had spent the previous couple of years trying to make sure that both that girl and other children in the congregation, as well as her sister, were safe. What I didn't know at the time was that this young girl had been raped just a few weeks before and I didn't find out about that until really not that long ago and that really shook me up. What really hurt me about the matter was that the body of elders refused to comfort the parents or refused to offer any help to the family in coping. They didn't share a scripture with them, they wouldn't share a prayer with them they wouldn't do anything with them. Later I was able to find out that they had contacted the lawyers for the Watchtower Society as per instruction from when elders are told about child abuse and then to follow their instructions.
The instructions by whatever person, at the Watchtower headquarters, I know who he is, he knows who he is and I know he's listening right now. That's what this person ordered to be done in the name of this little child's God. This man he is part of the committee of management for the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia and had the trial continued. This is one of the men that would have been individually charged in relation to breaches of the law. It's sad because while he wasn't a person who was involved in the abuse of this girl he knew it happened and all he had to say was to the elders help the family, give them a prayer, give them an article which I ended up giving to them, one of the articles about comforting families that have gone through that. But he wouldn't do anything and that actually showed me what the heart condition is like of this man. More importantly this man was appointed to the position he was by the Governing Body. It's not just that it was this man that did that it was this man did what was expected of him. That showed me what the heart condition was of each member of the Governing Body. That this is what they expected to happen this is what he expected him to do this is what he did and as a reward he gets to represent the name of God and gets to stay a member of the religion. There is no accountability because the case of what's going on at the moment is all finished.
But there was one twist to the whole thing and that is later on the Watchtower Society said that it's the responsibility of individual members of the congregation to get the working with children licence. Now the people, from what I can understand, is that the child would never have been abused if the religion had enforced the child protection laws because the people who accessed her and the person who did this, it would never had occured, because that person and the members of their family chose to personally not comply, so, they would never had access to this child. If that doesn't really make sense I don't really know how to explain it because I'd never had to write it down. That's the backstory on that picture and I've got it on my wall and used it as a little I think they call it gravatar, or image on my personal facebook page, but yeah I've kept that. It's a sad story, but that's just one of the innocent victims of this whole thing.
For people who think Unthank has questionable morality in any sense of the term, I question theirs.
MMM . . . I've already posted on this thread how the official site works, but here it is again . . .
After you open the page go to . . . court lists (note the linked email address as one communication option) . . . now click daily hearing lists (r/h side) . . . this will bring up a link to click which loads a new page. . . click on Gippsland . . . then Latrobe Valley Magistrates "criminal list" . . . you will get calendars for Feb and March 2012.
You will notice at this point that the calendar is only active from this day forward . . . that's because it's a schedule and does not retain old schedules or archives for decided or dismissed cases. You can however check the current list for format.
If you want verification, either request it through the email address mentioned earlier . . . or click on contact us on the home page . . . scroll down to "country courts" and click on Latrobe Valley Magistrates Court. There you will find contact details . . . including phone numbers if you want verification immediately.
omg, Mean,, FOUR! I have one, and she is my heart... we truly are their slaves.... I would love to have more, when I can afford the vet bills!
Alright, so I was able to verify FUTURE cases on the offical Magistrates' site. It looks like the offical site lists only FUTURE cases. The non-official domain is in tied to IP:
Located in South Austrailia. Could still be phishing site, but it is starting to look more like a historical site for case listings??