Retro: Oh yes, She knows the importance not to bust with anything, and be carefull what to say to her little sister, or to anyone else for that matter. And she learned this by her father...... because at one stage she was confident that we ofcourse could talk to our brothers and sisters about everything. Things we doubted and did'nt agree with. I told her to be carefull. Then she called me about 4 months ago very upset. It turned out that she had had a long conversation with her elder dad being honest about things she did not like about the org.
What happens.... Dad called her husband behind her back, telling him that he had to study more with his wife, and he then called the branchoffice in our country making an appointment with an elder-bethelite to set up a meeting with him and our daughter to get her back on track!She was shocked. I told her noone could force her to meet with them, and she did'nt. But I have never after that heard her say she have been open about her new findings. So she learned to take care! And yes, she will be the key to help little sister, I am quite sure of that.