I need your advice to reach my daughters!

by Cirkeline 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Cirkeline

    Retro: Oh yes, She knows the importance not to bust with anything, and be carefull what to say to her little sister, or to anyone else for that matter. And she learned this by her father...... because at one stage she was confident that we ofcourse could talk to our brothers and sisters about everything. Things we doubted and did'nt agree with. I told her to be carefull. Then she called me about 4 months ago very upset. It turned out that she had had a long conversation with her elder dad being honest about things she did not like about the org.

    What happens.... Dad called her husband behind her back, telling him that he had to study more with his wife, and he then called the branchoffice in our country making an appointment with an elder-bethelite to set up a meeting with him and our daughter to get her back on track!She was shocked. I told her noone could force her to meet with them, and she did'nt. But I have never after that heard her say she have been open about her new findings. So she learned to take care! And yes, she will be the key to help little sister, I am quite sure of that.

  • cantleave

    Fantastic news - thanks for the update!

  • jgnat

    I like your illustration of the starving child.

    This goes along with Hassan's assertion that there are two personalities in the cultist. One must not scare the Cultist while awakening the natural person within.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The Happy Dance

  • Cirkeline

    Exactely Jgnat, and it is soooo important to have a good connection with the natural personality before even thinking about trying to work with the cultist. Lil sis is confused because she admits that her natural personality loves me and miss me, but the cultist in her denies her the relationship with me. It is very scary to experience this phenomena. So all I can do is doing my best to reach her natural person whenever we are in contact. Fortunately she has a close bond to her older sister, and listens and admires her alot, and therefor is more open to influence from her.

  • LV101

    Ziddy to the rescue --- THANK YOU! I will check this out myself and

    Cirkeline --- I'm pretty much in the same boat as you and feel your pain, apprehension, anxiety, disgust, fear --- you name it but I'm not involved with any meetings. Stopped those yrs. ago but think it might be a good idea to be there with your family to avoid the cult cutting them off from you.

    Hopefully there's so many people inside tearing it down if that's possible.

  • Cirkeline

    Well LV101, I do not attend meetings either. Last time i visited kingdomhall was memorial, and before that one meeting in december. My daughters live in other parts of the country so I do not have family here.

    Big issue for my youngest that I'm 100% inactive, she understands I'm in just to be able to have contact and she thinks that slanders Jehovas name....... so, long way there. She actually wants me to da my self so she she can go on and be spared all the conflicts inside of her...... Of cours I could tell her that its the war inside her between her natural selv and the cultist that gives her trouble, but I guess I'll rest my case for now and wait with that

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