british press have knifes out for Richard Dawkins

by highdose 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    and as for dawkins manner being offensive and insensitive

    .... i'm sorry but i find the manner of the JW GB and elders to be far more offensive and insensitive! They crush, control and abuse

    Dawkins seeks to illberate and free humankind from the chains of myth and supertision ( religon)

  • slimboyfat
  • metatron

    Well, hurrah and whoopee!

    Dawkins wants to free humankind from superstition and myth, right?

    So what? Why does that matter? What's the point? If God doesn't exist, does exposing that fact make life collectively better?

    This subject drives me crazy. If atheists are so eager to question everything and reject myth, where is their evidence that atheism creates a better, happier society? I don't see it. I see Buddhist societies that never developed technology or societal progress across centuries. I see European nations that can't even reproduce themselves enough to pay old age pensions or continue their own cultures. I see Russia tried to teach atheism to its population and then abandoned the effort because it wasn't practical.

    Forget facts about whether or not God exists. Are atheistic cultures sustainable? If belief in God is an effective part of human evolution, why does Dawkins rail against it?


  • bohm

    Apparently dawkins is a reptile, a jerk and a smug arrogant little asshole. I hope the people who say such nasty things do not arrive at those conclusions because dawkins himself call people names, because then by their own standards, these people are either arrogant or hypocrits.

    And if it is not for calling names, what would then warrent the language?

    Put up or shut up: what has dawkins said which upset you?

  • 00DAD

    Flat_Accent: However, the debate between him and Rowan Williams, as well as the debate with John Lennox were very civilized. You should watch those 00DAD, it might change your perception of him.

    Great suggestions. Do you have a link I might try?

  • therevealer

    Is this what you meant to say OODAD

    Putting aside whether Dawkins is right or not, perhaps it's the fact that he comes across as an smug, arrogant, pompous, condescending little asshole (to me) and is obviously very proud of it that offends (me) and many people.

    In other words, in my opinion people just don't like him!

    Obnoxious is as obnoxious does

  • 00DAD

    highdose: .... i'm sorry but i find the manner of the JW GB and elders to be far more offensive and insensitive! They crush, control and abuse

    Agreed. And as a result I am admittedly hyper-sensitive to ANYONE, regardless of agenda or beliefs, that portray the same traits.

  • 00DAD

    therevealer, YES to your first question, that was my opinion, and NO to the second. It is not my opinion that many people don't like Richard Dawkins demeanor. It is a demonstrable fact as evidenced by several other posts on this thread proving it.

    Thanks for adding some clarity to the mix!


  • Qcmbr

    I came to Dawkins via his written work and so already had a very grateful and thankful attitude to him; when you already respect and admire someone when you meet them you give them far more leeway. I suspect had I encountered Dawkins in his pure debate style while I was a believer I would have been repulsed by his style, at least that's the excuse my psyche would have made while battling the extreme cognitive dissonance he would have caused me.

    Setting people free who are trapped and suffering Helsinki syndrome is not all that easy.

  • bohm

    Oh the non sequitur!

    Where is the evidence not believing in elfs do not create a better society!

    For the record, if we accept you premise we should not try to build our beliefs around what is true but what build better societies, if i gather 100 random people who are atheists and sceptics in the sence of dawkins, and 100 religious people, are you really really sure thats going to work out in you favor?

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