Random thoughts about the organization. In 20 years.....

by stuckinamovement 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinamovement

    Many people will scoff at the thought that the org will collapse. I agree that it will never collapse but the crumbling has begun. Think about the following.....

    They have a serious lack of potential future leaders. If you get a chance and know any elders that went to recent week long school, ask to see their class picture. It will be evident that the majority of the current pool of elders is made up of men in their 50's and up. More and more talks and articles are being prepared to try to encourage young men to reach out. They won't because they can see that the "privilege" is nothing more than a life sentence to organizational servitude. The printing industry is dying. The society needs a product to sell. Historically it has been magazines and books. These are quickly becoming obsolete forms of communication. What are the pubs going to sell in 20 years? A peek at a tablet video? Who is going to contribute for that? The theology is stale. 1914 was a 100 years ago. Nothing has happened. The world conditions are improving instead of getting worse. The # of anointed is increasing. The policy of shunning is not sustainable in the age of Facebook. Some people just aren't listening to the counsel to avoid df family members. This weakens the arrangement. This practice is increasingly being exposed in the press as extreme and fanatical. It is. No one wants to be perceived as a hateful religious nut. That's why if you ask a witness, "do you shun family?" they will always lie and answer "no" even if they really do. (there are some here who are being shunned by family. I hope that the next few years brings a change to that situation) Lastly the Internet is a major problem. Anyone can go online and research Jehovah's Witnesses and see the truth about the organization. They can do this from a pc, tablet or phone. More and more news articles about the society have comments enabled. These comments have links to critical information. Witnesses will inevitably see the truth about the truth. To sum up The crumbling has begun......
  • stuckinamovement

    Sorry about the lack of paragraphs. I posted from my phone and the format is goofy

  • iamwhoiam

    Nice post stuckinamovement. Im sure everyone here can't wait for the WT and Awake to be available on Kindle. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • Tater-T

    great take being out for 20+ years ... can't see how it's still in buisness... everything printed is on the decline.. how can a printing company with only the users responsible for the entire cost be self sustaining .. with most members in low educated low paying jobs... in the worst economy in years.. when gas hits $5-$6 a gallon who's going to go door to door.. it's doom and gloom for the Watchtower..


  • jwfacts

    What are the pubs going to sell in 20 years? A peek at a tablet video?

    Great point. You will see ever greater emphasis on donations as time goes on.

  • ScenicViewer

    I am one who thinks a collapse will never happen, although nothing would give me more satisfaction.

    You have made some very good points. At the very least, Watchtower's days of healthy growth are over with. What growth there is seems to come primarily from children of JWs being baptised, and outsiders coming in who are from 3rd world countries where the Watchtower message would have great appeal and there is a lack of available information about the organization's past history.

    In several years there won't be much growth left to draw on from inside the organization unless they start baptising children, and as the internet and other information media become more available in the underdevelopped countries that market will lessen too.

    However, Watchtower is crafty. It has always been able to spin itself into success. Let's hope the lack of good leadership, coupled with abundant information regarding the beliefs and history of the WTS, will cause the organization to run out of good spinning ideas, and considerable weakness in the armor becomes apparent.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    So true, lack of young ones to take over and due to their stance on education a major brain drain too. NMKA

  • mrquik

    What a sweet irony. The WT has predicted the fall of false religion never realizing they were at the head of the line.

  • ScenicViewer

    The WT has predicted the fall of false religion never realizing they were at the head of the line. (Mrquik)

    Oh, that's good.

  • extractor

    MrQuik... Bravo!


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