Knowlege is power..... Knowlege is now free and in most peoples pockets. To survive they will need to either completely refurbish the wholebelievsystem and biblical reliance or drop western civilisation and target developing countries where information is still hard to come by. Science is doing incredible things with medicine and biology. Last year we created life! We made a living thing.,,. Did god breathe into that man made bacteria? Knowlege is power.
Great post and I totally agree. I am surprised at modern JW disobedience to the org, I think most JWs tell themselves now that the society have got a lot wrong and are out of touch... Leaving room for breaking quite big rules.... All of this whilst half telling themselves "but it must still be the truth."
The world is getting nicer, the JWs know Muslims ain't gonna drop religion because of the UN, a weak assed beast lol. D all other faiths! This kind of teaching will have t be revised soon, none of it adds up anymore... None of it. Also, modern western society won't put up with homophobia and backward thinking to the degree the society push it. They sound embarrassing and like fundementalists already, in 10 years time they will look more ridiculous not less. I think once 2014 passes people will leave quicker than ever before, not in droves but in number.
The financial market will recover.,.... And a whole new generation of young teens will leave because elders and old timers had told them it was proof the end was near. Even more will leave as Armageddon does NOT come before they left school, (and they say Santa is harmful lying to kids). The young are the downfall of the society, the young will always aski why.... They will always push the boundaries, with every bethel tombstone the society has had to relax a little so as to not lose too many... They can only relax so far!
Finally my friends.... There is no Armageddon on its way. As much as I don't want to see my friends in 30 yrs and hear them say "shit... It didn't come" ... This alone will see it end in the next half century.