Theists, why does God allow suffering..

by The Quiet One 754 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • xchange

    Even evolution demonstrates that good comes with bad and with bad good!

    Except, evolution doesn't purport to take an active interest in human activities. Unlike what some claim about their powerful deities.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    "When many die in an earthquake it is due to a natural mechanism that allows life to exist on earth, which also allows many to enjoy aspects of life."

    SERAPHIM, Why did God create the world in a way that required the random and senseless destruction of earthquakes? How have the countless species made extinct by disease or natural disasters benefited from God's method?

  • cofty

    Why did God create the world in a way that required the random and senseless destruction of earthquakes?

    That is an excellent question. The last time we debated it on the forum it ran to 108 pages.

    It turned out that theists have no answers...

  • Seraphim23

    For order and freedom to exist in the universe, such things are a logical necessity. Earthquakes might seem random and cruel but not compared to the cost of not having them which is no intelligent life or life without freedom like robots. It comes down to asking a mother whose kid dies at an early age. Would she have preferred for that child to never be born or to at least have some life? Better it is to love and lose then never to have loved at all, is what most would probably answer. Logic itself restricts good from existing without bad as height without depth. So just as good in the universe doesn’t prove Gods existence then neither does bad disprove it!

  • cofty

    Logic itself restricts good from existing without bad as height without depth

    You are to logic as Ken Ham is to science.

  • Seraphim23

    If you say so but throwing canards my way doesn’t constitute a valid response.

  • cofty
  • Seraphim23

    I joined the conversation at this point!

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    "Earthquakes might seem random and cruel but not compared to the cost of not having them which is no intelligent life or life without freedom like robots."
    .. You haven't answered my question about earthquakes. Please reread it...

    'Why did God create the world in a way that required the random and senseless destruction of earthquakes?'

  • Seraphim23

    defender of truth, the answer is, that it is not that the world was made in a way that required earthquakes but that earthquakes are part of the world. Otherwise it is like asking why earthquakes were made in such a way that required the earth. The question itself assumes certain things that are not the case as yours does. It’s also a bit like asking why God created up and down when he could have only created up! If one is talking about a rope for example having an up and a down, it is obvious why the down cannot be taken away in favour of its up. Good and bad are part of one another in the same way as up and down are. So singling out earthquakes as somehow being separate, or an add-on from the requirements of earth is as ill founded as thinking a ropes down can be taken away from its up. If God cannot lie, then certain truths are true even for God.

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