Theists, why does God allow suffering..

by The Quiet One 754 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    It's just so ridiculous......theologions doesn't seem to know basics about biology/ecology, what an ecosystem is with producents etc.

    An ecosystem without predators /carnivores would just collapse. Herbivores would overpopulate the world, consume all eatable plants and then have to die in mass starvation after the collapse of the eco system.. Paradise is not bilogically realistic. Blief in an earthley paradise is just outright stupid. Is paradise being surrouded by billions of rats and beetles? Time to learn some biology, JWs

  • Apognophos

    The Society hasn't actually printed that literal interpretation of herbivorous carnivores for quite a while. Someone there knows better.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Perryposted~ 19 hours ago(4/25/2014)
    "Because the universe as it is, not as we would imagine it, allows for its possibility. When Adam fell, and became God's enemy ....everything in Adam, and under his dominion became disconnected one way or another - from the Source of Life."

    ..Whereas even the best apologist website I could find, a guy who has written an entire book on natural evil, said..

    "However, given the very powerful evidence that animals (and their pain, suffering, death, and predation) pre-existed the first human beings, that view seems incomplete. If the pain and suffering of animals predates Adam’s existence, it is hard to see how his (or our) sin could fully explain is worth asking this question: “If all animal pain and suffering came after Adam’s Fall, would the Fall be a potentially good explanation for that pain and suffering?”Many Christian theologians have thought so (Calvin endorses this view in his commentary on chapter 8 of the book of Romans for example).

    But this explanation has one difficulty, a difficulty I call the “fragility objection.” To see the objection we must consider this question: “What is the supposed connection between Adam’s Fall and animal pain?"...In either case, however, it is hard to see why God would have made the integrity and well-being of nature, and of the innocent creatures in it, susceptible to the faithful obedience of humans (an obedience God knew they would not sustain). Why was nature made so very fragile in this way? Is not that fragility itself a defect (or evil) in creation?"

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Interesting things happen when poeple are allowed to think. Even theologians can think freely.

    Yes, for a believer these are important questions..why did God create such a fragile creation? Yet it was perfect.

    The natural question to ask one self is if Genesis is just a myth among others.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Bttt for todays talk. Never mind why does God permit wickedness, why does he permit animals to suffer? Does he not see every sparrow?

    Lurkers, what do you think?

  • designs

    defender- for the Biblical literalists there is no time stretch between the animals appearing and Adam, what 3 days. It all falls apart when you estalbish that there were human civilizations thousands of years before Adam and animals predating Genesis by millions of years.

    No Adam as the first human no need for Jesus. You can hear the heels of the Believer digging in.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    But for a JW these questions might be of interest, since the JW dogma is that a "day" in genesis could be thousands or millions of years. JW's are not young earth creationists.

    By the way, I think that earlier was one creation day in genesis said to be 7000 years, but that changed later.

    I think DOTs reasoning could be a goo way of questioning literalists as the JWs...and it also is related to moral philosophy....Why did God punish even the animals for the sin of two humans.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    I dare anyone reading this, to ask this question (why do animals have to suffer so much just because Adam sinned, or why does God kill countless innocent creatures or order them to be killed in the Bible) to a JW next time they see one..

    For me personally, as someone who detests animal cruelty, just thinking about the literal global flood scenario helped me to see our 'loving heavenly Father' in a whole new light..

  • Randomthoughts

    God created animals to live in harmony with each other (credit to a post on exjw reddit):

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Did God create cancer? Also, do you believe in the Biblical flood account? Thanks.

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