I Want Your Prediction: Who Will Be The Republican Nominee & Will He Beat Obama?

by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I think Romney will be the guy but I have my doubts that he will beat Obama because NO ONE seems to be in the lineup that anyone wants to embrace.

  • UnConfused

    Romney and no he won't win.

  • JeffT

    Unless something drastic happens the Republican party is on its way to an epic fail. People are worried about jobs, spending, taxes, economic policy, the instability of other governments, the Eurozone mess etc. The Republican candidates are yelling about contraceptives, abortions, gays getting married, and a bunch of other social issues.

    I think the epic fail may, in the long run, be good for the party. They may get forced back to real conservative issues; international relations, fiscal responsibility and the like.

    For their part the Democrats run the risk of mistaking an Obama victory over a weak challanger as endoresement for a leftist agenda.

    JeffT's prediction: no winner and two losers, our political system and the American people.

  • TD

    Romney crashes and burns

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    Unless something drastic happens the Republican party is on its way to an epic fail. People are worried about jobs, spending, taxes, economic policy, the instability of other governments, the Eurozone mess etc. The Republican candidates are yelling about contraceptives, abortions, gays getting married, and a bunch of other social issues.
    I think the epic fail may, in the long run, be good for the party. They may get forced back to real conservative issues; international relations, fiscal responsibility and the like.
    For their part the Democrats run the risk of mistaking an Obama victory over a weak challanger as endoresement for a leftist agenda.
    JeffT's prediction: no winner and two losers, our political system and the American people.

    Well put.

  • iamwhoiam

    I like Ron Paul. Odds are good Romney will get it. And its going to be a tight race between the two parties..I suspect Obama will end up with another term.

  • minimus

    It will be sad if Obama gets reelected but at this point, nothing will shock me.

  • Duderino

    Santorum is going to clean obamas clock

  • sir82


    Santorum couldn't beat Michael Dukakis.

    Romney will be the nominee, but I can't tell yet who will win. I think there will be lots of undecideds up until a day or 2 before the election.

  • james_woods

    Minimus - shouldn't you have waited until Wednesday morning to start this thread?

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