Noble, but the democratic party of today is an extremely well oiled political machine. I hope there are some that are focusing on strategy because that's the ruleset the demos have put on the table.
by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends
Noble, but the democratic party of today is an extremely well oiled political machine. I hope there are some that are focusing on strategy because that's the ruleset the demos have put on the table.
Probably Romney, but Santorum has been asking democrats to vote for him in the primary---but Ron Paul supporters did the same thing. I believe it was a post here that encouraged democrats to show their disatisfaction with the choices by voting for RP in open primaries, and even told them how to register temporarily as republicans in other primaries.
If Romney chooses Rubio--well the tea party and Dude have already come out questioning whether he is a natural born citizen since his parents were born in Cuba. So it might be fun to watch them eat their own again.
Lot's can happen yet, but I think Obama will win. Republicans made a huge mistake by bringing up social issues, and they have been drawn out. Women won't forget this, and neither will the men who care about them.
If the Republican superpowers, elected officials and professional staff, are wise, they will find a way for a brokered convention to draft a nominee who will not self-destruct and that people care about. Sanotrum is their biggest nightmare, with Gingrich close behind. Romey can't close the deal.
Current events over which no party has control can derail elections. Howard Cain's sexual conduct. When I first saw the National Enquirer story about John Edwards in the market, I laughed so hard. It was too bizarre to be true. Well, that baby is very tangible. If we face a national security crisis, Americans will rally around the president. Candidates commit boo boos. OBama and Clinton had many that could have destroyed their campaigns. Yet, they were able to recover from them.
Does anyone know what odds Las Vegas is giving?
Obama has wonderful oratorical skills. B/c he is not running against the policies of one of the aboslute worst American presidents, he will have problems. No one seems to confuse him with Jesus anymore.
I become anxious about the country. Yet all these clowns also provide great entertainment. If a far right GOP nominee is nominated, Obama's job is to channel the backlash by the general electorate. These primaries are killing the GOP. After a lifetime of Democrats being so scrupulous about left wing progressive purity in primaries only to lose the independents during the general election, it is refreshing to see the GOP who usually have more savvy engage in the same losing battle. What does it avail you,besides national media exposure, to win the primaries and lose the general election.
D is G, you ain't kiddin'.
Setting aside a billion dollars for an incumbent campaign long before needed? What happened to the power of his smile?
Yeah, which says something about Santorum's campaign. Michael Moore, Obama, et al are turning them out too in what they call "Operation Hilarity."
So funny Botch should mention this. Remember when he posted directions to get democrats to vote for RP in the primaries?
NC, if more than half the voters that show up are at least semi well informed and intelligent, Obama will win. Assuming that all the shenanigans the GOP likes to perpetrate are not able to skew the results like they have in the recent past.
LOL NC, not to mention, I don't think Daily Kos is paying for Robocalls like Santorum is!
Some Dems think it could be Marco Rubio. They are terrified of him and are firing up their character assassination machines to keep him from getting the nod.
Why exactly do you think Democrats are terrified of Rubio??
I'm just saying, why was it just good strategy for Ron Paul, but a weakness and dems just stirring up trouble when it's Santorum?