Who created God

by d 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    I don't like beer. (blasphemy I know, especially for a Canadian)

    But I brought a man a beer today, and he called me an angel :P



  • ldrnomo

    I wouldn't admit to not liking beer especially being Canadian. It's OK here because your anonymous. But if anyone found out there could be persecution.

    And if you brought a man a beer today you are an angel unless your a waitress and you had to do it.

  • tec

    And if you brought a man a beer today you are an angel unless your a waitress and you had to do it.

    I guess Canadian waitresses are still angels, and get tips, for bringing men beer ;)

  • ProdigalSon

    No one created God. God always was/is.


    1) The Abrahamic Religions.

    Starting premise: one thing has always existed, and will always exist - God. God is the most complex entity conceivable. God is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful. God knows past, present and future. God is perfect. God is incapable of evil. God is incapable of committing an error. God preceded all things and created all things. God is the underlying answer to everything.

    Consequences of this starting premise: God does not need the cosmos. God can (and did) exist without the cosmos. God "magics" the cosmos into existence because he is infinitely powerful and can do anything he likes. He simply needs to think it and it is accomplished. He doesn't need to spend eons designing anything or working out a grand, calculated plan. He is not constrained by any systems.

    So, this approach is contemptuous of science, mathematics and logic. It is based on the "will of God" - an entirely unscientific principle that cannot be discussed or framed scientifically. Therefore the Abrahamic mindset is fundamentally anti-scientific (as has been amply demonstrated down the ages). Some Abrahamists have attempted to reconcile their beliefs with science, though this has never proved remotely convincing, hence why to this day there are so many Abrahamists who literally believe that the world was created in six days and that God rested on the seventh. It is not explained by the Abrahamists why God didn't simply take one instant to create everything instead of six days. (What was he doing at ten past two on the first Tuesday in history?) And what does "rest" mean to God? It's not as though he gets tired or needs to "chillax". (Did he stop each day for "elevenses", for a cup of tea and a biscuit?)

    In Abrahamic thinking, if something is stated as a "fact" in a "holy" text by a "holy" prophet then it is a "truth" revealed by God hence is not susceptible to any debate since it must be right by definition since God would never make a mistake and would never lie. It says in the Bible that God made the world in six days. End of story. No further debate required.

    Once God is defined in a certain way and combined with a revealed religion (i.e. a religion that supposedly reveals the infallible Word of God straight from the source) then an infinite amount of absurdities may flow, as indeed they have.

    No Abrahamist has ever come anywhere near explaining why evil exists in a world that was created by a perfect God incapable of any act of evil. Nor could they, for the simple reason that it is impossible given the starting premise. Abrahamists, in their attempts to make sense of the senseless, to explain away that which cannot be explained, have invented bizarre systems of logic. Evil is attributed to Satan (even though he too was a creation of God), to "free-will" (even though that was also a creation of God), or is defined as an "absence of good" (even though God would of course be responsible for any such absence).

    Consider the following points:

    1) The "logic" of the Christian religion is that humanity "fell" when Adam and Eve directly disobeyed God. This was the Original Sin, by which humanity is permanently stained i.e. the humans alive today are supposedly guilty because of something someone else did long, long ago. The sins of the first humans are literally transmitted to all future generations unto the end of time, like a really bad version of karma ("species karma" we might call it). At least with karma, you are being held responsible for something you did in a past life. With Original Sin, you are being penalized for what others did that had absolutely nothing to do with you. So much for divine justice and fairness. Because of the "crime" of Adam and Eve (eating an apple - an infinitely diabolical act, apparently), humanity is condemned to hell. Only the sacrifice of God himself could atone for humanity's cosmic sin. Hence Jesus Christ, the Son of God and one third of the Holy Trinity, had to suffer crucifixion and death. But if you are a Christian who rejects the Biblical tale of Creation and Adam and Eve and instead accepts Darwin's theory of evolution then you are suddenly presented with an insurmountable difficulty. Who was it that committed the "original sin". If it wasn't Adam and Eve then was it some grunting half-ape ancestor (?), and what was the sin in question (rubbing two sticks together to produce fire?). No "evolutionary" Christian has ever answered this question. But without original sin the whole logical edifice of Christianity collapses because if there is no specific sin for which to atone then there is no need for Christ. He instantly becomes superfluous, hence so does Christianity.

    2) If the Jews were God's Chosen People, but they rejected Jesus Christ (his Son), doesn't that constitute an exceptionally poor choice on God's part? In fact, didn't he make a mistake? But God, by logical definition, cannot commit a mistake. So how did it all go so badly wrong with the Jews?

    3) Similarly, if Mohammed and the Koran are the culmination of the Abrahamic religions, as Muslims claim, then how come God got it wrong the first time round with the Jews and then the second time round with the Christians? Why did he have to take three attempts to get his message across? And why did God suddenly start speaking Arabic rather than Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin or Greek?

    4) If God already knows what we are going to do because he knows everything, how can it be said that we have free will? We can only do what God knows we are going to do, hence we are mere automatons. So, what's the point of our lives? We're just actors in a badly scripted play with a shit ending.

    5) If some of us are predestined for hell and some for heaven, again, what's the point?

    6) If God the Creator is perfect, why is his creation so evidently imperfect?

    7) Why does God never intervene in the face of great evil? It is said that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Yet God himself doesn't do anything, so why should anyone else? If he refuses to set an example, why does he expect it of others? Talk about hypocrisy.

    8) Why are the Abrahamic religions so violent and intolerant? If God is appalled by what is done in his name, why doesn't he do something about it? He didn't hesitate to drown the whole world in the time of Noah (with the Great Flood that created the Grand Canyon, supposedly!). So why does he hesitate now? Has he changed his tactics? Changed his mind? Is he a bit whimsical and inconsistent? He'll exterminate humanity one day, shrug his shoulders and wash his hands of them the next. Some God!

    9) Muslim killers invariably scream, "God is Great" in Arabic just before they slaughter innocent men, women and children. How come Abrahamists believe that mass murder glorifies God? Hasn't God somehow "misspoke himself" if that's what his followers do in his name?

    10) And so on…endlessly.

    When it all becomes too hard to think about, the Abrahamists will trot out the following statements (in no particular order): 1) God works in mysterious ways, 2) our finite minds cannot comprehend the infinite Divine Mind, 3) it's a matter of faith, 4) if you keep asking awkward questions we'll kill you, Satanist!

    In Abrahamic thinking, concepts such as souls, the afterlife, heaven and hell, God himself, are all non-scientific, hence cannot be approached scientifically and logically. "Science and religion operate in different domains," they say. Really? This is equivalent to saying that particle physics is removed from ultimate reality by pure magic (or the will of God to put it another way). In fact, science and religion are approaching the same questions from complementary positions; there should be absolutely NO contradictions between them. There is only one reality, not two. There is not one domain for science and an entirely separate one for religion. The whole point of the cosmic equation r >= 0 is that science and religion interpenetrate each other, and exist on a single continuum, flowing forever into each other. One cannot be understood without the other.

    Abrahamic "reason" is a contradiction in terms. It is the mad exploration of mad starting premises, and it has produced utterly mad logic, the logic of the insane asylum. It's staggering that half the world's population subscribe to this brain-dead, ludicrous garbage.

    The Abrahamic religions have survived and prospered for a number of reasons: 1) they appeal to emotion rather than rationality; 2) they avoid complex thought that requires high intelligence in favour of simple faith that requires nothing but self-serving delusion; 3) they deploy the ultimate carrot (the infinite pleasure of heaven) and the ultimate stick (the infinite pain of hell) in the manner of classic operant conditioning (Pavlovian brainwashing); 4) they have relentlessly mind controlled children from birth, and each new generation is expected to brainwash the next (and invariably does). At the instigation of their parents, Muslim and Jewish baby boys are genitally mutilated without their consent in the Satanic practice of enforced circumcision. In addition, many Muslim girls are genitally mutilated. This is tantamount to branding human beings against their will. Abrahamists are forced to follow "divinely mandated" dietary restrictions, appearance restrictions and petty behaviour restrictions. Much of the course of their daily life is governed by dogmatic religious rules; 5) Personal and community identity is constructed around religion, so to abandon your religion is to lose your identity, or be forced to construct a new one; 6) Abrahamism is ingrained in the institutions of Abrahamic societies; 7) It is regarded as "normal", "healthy", "moral"; 8) It is supported by those in power, and is one of their main instruments of control over the people.

    All of these considerations make it astoundingly difficult to overthrow the Abrahamic religions even though they are absurd beyond belief, and logically incoherent. Logic is simply not used as a criterion in assessing these religions. The vast majority of Abrahamists are poorly educated and have a low IQ. The more stupid people are, the more likely they are to be devout believers in the Abrahamic faiths. Abrahamism is for the "intellectually challenged."

    It cannot be expected for stupid religions to have any serious contact with logic.

  • caliber

    God is before, during, and after time.
    Physics has shown that time is a property that is the result of the existence of matter. Time exists when matter exists.

    Space-time has a geometry...

    time is one-dimensional ...spatial coordinates require three numbers, hence three dimensions.

  • Kojack57

    Who created God? Man, I thought the Watchtower bible and tract society created God. Because the governing body acts like they know more than him.


  • Duderino

    People made god up so they could explain things but now we have something better it is called SCIENCE

  • Duderino
  • snare&racket

    I think you are an angel Tec, how about someone brings you adrink... what will it be ? x

  • Joliette

    Somebody created him, he aint the creator that I am damn sure of. I call it the biggest scam in human history. I think somebody had a dream and started writing shit down. Or, since people waaaay back throughout history, didnt have a direct explanation for things, that had to create a direct explanation for death, disease, etc. Just a theory.

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