Greetings and best wishes: Introduction of Mediator007

by mediator007 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • mediator007

    Hello everyone:

    I thought I should introduce myself as I have been reading your various threads. I have enjoyed this reading as you folks certainly are a diverse group of people. I find the comments quite entertaining and at times very insightful helping me to broaden my outlook and view matters from different angles.


    I will begin by telling you a bit about myself: my handle ‘mediator007’ I am a professional mediator (perhaps I should rather say I WAS, as right now I am not practicing), I have worked in a couple of circuit courts in this capacity in civil, family and general matters. I am yet an active JW but extremely irregular in meeting attendance and my f/s is only from informal witnessing. I had been an elder for eleven years, a ms for four years prior to that; served in every capacity but only temporarily as PO and Secretary, stepped down due to children issues as they grew and had difficulties. One child was dfd (now reinstated) and others simply drifted away. Been baptized for over thirty years. I have a great deal of education contrary to the societies advice. (hmmmm, maybe that is my problem ya think?) including a masters degree and a couple of years of law school. The 007 is simply because I like the James Bond movies. I limit myself to giving only Bible readings in the TMS as I refuse to use my talents and abilities to parrot the society’s information. I tend to be a person of all or nothing respecting commitment and allegiance.


    So what brought me to this junction in life? Good question - glad you asked. I have always, from the beginning, been turned off by the sheer arrogance of a religion claiming to be the “one and only” channel of God. Yet the teachings definitely appealed to me of a paradise and the logical explanations of why mankind find themselves in the predicament we are in. Perhaps a bit more about me will help to understand. I am also a Viet nam veteran and was rather messed up in the head upon returning some forty odd years ago. I prayed intensely and was directed to JW’s, in one sense I was a prime candidate for mind control; on the other hand the explanations concerning the destruction of mankind’s governments made a great deal of sense - at least to me. (my favorite scripture then and now is Daniel 2:44) By the way: from the view within a helicopter over jungle the earth is a gorgeous sight to behold, now if man could just get his head out of his rear life could be very good.

    There are several points that disturb me concerning the WTBTS teachings: the arrogance and conceit of being the “only true religion”, but even greater than that is the teaching and emphasis concerning the “faithful and discreet slave” that in my opinion takes on an extreme nearing them eclipsing the role of Christ. The many failed predictions "of the end". Then the teaching that Christ is not the mediator of the great crowd but only of the 144,000 (the Bible states differently stating that Christ is the mediator between God and men and being a ransom for all) the continued emphasis on not gaining an education, the cover up concerning pedophiles within the organization and the fact that “Bible study” within the organization is not really study at all – it is clearly programming by means of the Watchtower. Oh yes and the second phrase concerning baptism in effect to the organization, and that many of these teachings are not made clear until after you have made your dedication. Your threads have supplied more thought to my already active mind.


    I am perhaps in a bit of a different frame of mind than some but perhaps not all. I yet fully believe what I call the primary, basic teachings of the Bible as presented by the JW organization:– Jehovah, Jesus, the kingdom being a heavenly government, death being non existence in the grave, no hellfire, no immortal soul the fall of Adam My problem is in giving full allegiance to an imperfect organization. I have no problem in giving full allegiance to Jehovah and Christ. Yet the Bible makes it clear that one should not forsake the gathering of fellow believers. Also the Bible tells us to get out of Babylon the Great. I could be much more comfortable with a more flexible position as Russell expressed in his writings. I have read both of Ray Franz’s books from cover to cover and although not agreeing with all that he wrote I am very impressed with his lack of neither being bitter nor being judgmental. He certainly gives a person a great inside view of the GB and how the organization really works. I am currently reading The Studies in the Scriptures and am amazed at the teachings then and now after being Rutherized. I have been intrigued by the exposing of J F Rutherford’s personal conduct, the letter from the lawyer and the lawsuit etc.. I find this very interesting indeed. And yes, I am very tired of the same dribble over and over again at each assembly and each meeting.

    Now as to the basic teachings, the majority of them are pre Rutherford (not all) but in reality most of these teachings can also be found in the writings of John Milton (Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained) back in the 15 th or 16 th century.

    I am not frustrated overly much as I have complete confidence in our creator Jehovah respecting that in due time truth will be revealed and along with falsehood, cover ups etc. Actually I think this is happening right before our eyes as the internet is allowing the exposure of years of deceit and coverups by the WTBTS.

    Well I could write on and on but this will give you a bit of understanding as to where and what I am as a person. I have no real axe to grind with anyone; I simply search for “truth”. Problem is it becomes obvious that the WTBTS has covered and sanitized many, many things over the course of time. Although they claim to be such an upright honorable and forthright organization in admitting error this is simply not true. So where does one go? I always come back to Christ’s statement, “I am the way the truth and the life” I believe that. But where do you associate with like minded “truthseekers”? That is my dilemma.

    I sincerely welcome all comments, encouragement, and insights that any and all might share.

    Thanks for reading, I apologize for the length.


  • james_woods

    Welcome, Mediator007.

    One question - does your family know your position, and what do they think about it?

  • cedars

    Hello mediator007, and welcome to the forum. I enjoyed reading about some of your present beliefs and inner struggles - thank you for sharing. I'm glad you've found this forum helpful in some way. You may also like to visit (if you haven't done already) because that is a very Christian-oriented website where you might find a good number of like-minded individuals. Personally, I still consider myself essentially Christian, but I'm swinging more towards agnostic. I entertain the hope that God exists, and that all the pain and suffering in the world and seeming inconsistencies in the bible are just some huge "misunderstanding"! However, I'm pragmatic by nature, and I can't help but notice certain issues with the bible that continue to confuse and bewilder me. I've found it a huge upheaval breaking free from the control of the organization, and I'm enjoying my mental and intellectual freedom rather than attaching myself to any new doctrines. I'm anxious not to jump out of the frying pan, and into the fire!


  • shadow

    except for being a Nam vet, I could have written your post. you are not alone but I have found no solution to the puzzle

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • leavingwt
    I have read both of Ray Franz’s books from cover to cover and although not agreeing with all that he wrote I am very impressed with his lack of neither being bitter nor being judgmental. He certainly gives a person a great inside view of the GB and how the organization really works.


    Have you also read Steve Hassan's first book? If not, you may enjoy it. You'll learn why so many of your JW associates don't question any of the teachings and rules.

  • mrsjones5

    Welcome to the board M-007. Love the name.

  • Lozhasleft

    Hello and welcome Mediator007. I too still maintain a love for my god. I'm not affiliated to any other religion personally. I have found it interesting to consider what many believers on here respond with. The disciple asked 'Who shall we go away to?' The answer scripturally of course is Christ. Not a man made and corrupt organisation, nor to go and find yet another one.

    I would recommend focusing on your very personal relationship with your god. I am sure he will continue to lead you in the right direction?

    I look forward to your future posts.

    Loz x

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Welcome!!! Nice story love hearing of elders and those in for a long time THINKING!!! Ya you're the clasic reason they hate education

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Welcome. I would second LWT's suggestion of reading Steve Hassan's book.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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