Breaking the law under the guise of religion / getting away with slavery

by wasblind 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    Here's somethin' that really hit a nerve wit me Josie

    " The only real way to escape the severe and cruel system of slavery was to attain freedom. For many slaves that seemed a remote possibility. Some spirituals served to reassure them that if freedom did not come in this world, it would be found in heaven. In the kingdom of God, not only would their burdens be lifted, but a reunion would take place among relatives with whom they had lost contact or who had passed on."________Picturing a People : A HISTORY OF AFRICAN AMERICANS FROM 1619-1900 Chapter three page 44 paragraph four

    The WTS encourages their members to " Wait on the Kingdom" ( another lifetime ) just like the slaves in the past

    The WTS tells it's members this life don't mean a thing ( It's not the real life ),

    "wait on the kingdom " just like the slaves had to wait, to get any relief

    The WTS say OBEY the laws even if they are " inconvenient"

    We as citizens, are allowed a legal means to change unfair laws,

    to be able to seek relief in this lifetime , but the WTS still Practice Jim Crow ,

    and they have extended it to all their members of all races

    Jim Crow, Prevented African Americans the right to vote

    The WTS still prevents that right, under the guise of a religion

  • wasblind


    I bumped this for you

    the WTS will continue to make changes that only disguise not change

    what they really are

  • humbled

    I've read the thread, wasblind.

    For people like Sulla (who objected to the comparison of pre-Civil War slavery in the U.S.) "where there is life there's hope" is a simple idea that makes them reject the comparison of WT slavery to the "classic" slavery of Africans.

    For some, the horror of death or bloody beatings for bucking slavery is not mirrored by the penalties of the WT for those who buck against their chains. If you can walk away in your skin intact, there is life.

    I ask--but is there hope?

    I fall on the side of the two slaveries being very much the same --only the effect of the WT being far more insidious than the threat of beatings or of death. I hate the WTBTS.

    I have to get ready for work now or I'd write more. But thanks for reviving the post.

    BTW, I've been missing Mrs. Jones for a while. I hope she and the fam are okay. She not scuttled like happened like happened to Tammy?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This thread is unbelievable. Comparing Southern slavery to the WTBTS. It seems as though some members are delusion. A statement that there are some similarities would make the OP tolerable. Why not go with Hitler and the concentration camps or the Killing Fields of Cambodia, Rwanda? There is only superficial comparison to slavery.

    Slavery existed in the world for so long and over such geographical areas that we are all descendants of slave owners and slaves. Jesus probably could not conceive of a world without slavery. Slavery was an equal opportunity affliction until the Atlantic slave trade. Africans sold to Europeans. Europeans had some moral code that it was wrong. Theologians wrote justifications to calm the conscience of Europeans. Also, one of our first military engagements (American) was to rescue white Americans held in slavery.

    This thread is proof that the WTBTS fractures common sense. Perhaps no one here knows what Southern slavery was. Sulla was articulate. This forum has crazy ideas sometimes. Furthermore, outsiders hearing WT compared to slavery will conclude that you have screws loose.

  • humbled

    band on the run,

    Southern slavery was monumentally vile, criminal, and any other ( inadequate) descriptor we can find.

    But the value of the OP is not in making point for point parallels between the two. But the comparison dramatises a critical truth: people who long accept a institution that regards slaves and masters as a holy arrangement from god destroy the inner man long before the slave dies.

    Also, a slave that feels they have intrinsic value is a threat to that system. A person who desires to exercise their free will cannot long survive slavery-- any who deny that the slavery structure can be maintained except through the most coercive means is deluded. The penalties must be severe. To accept the premises that underpin the operation of a master slave relationship corrupts not only the mind of the master, but of the slave as well. It's a living death of a person.

    It reminds me of women who are subjected to powerful and long term verbal/psychological abuse who say they might have left sooner if their men had simply beat them--but their minds and self concept had been so distorted that they had no power to leave--so they thought--and so it was true.

    As a side note: I am always glad when there is outrage that anything can be compared to slavery--Too often I have been around people who shrug slavery off as though it is no big deal--times being tough, wasn't it fine to have food and covering? etc...

    Also--we are comparing U.S. style slavery. There were customs for slaves in various cultures that were not identical to the mode of work and status that existed here. Slavery in ancient Israel (if we can believe that jubilee years were observed) granted more than monetary value to the slave/servant.

    ps. Did I mention that I hate the WTBTS?

  • wasblind

    You don't faze me in your insults Band

    I laugh, especially comin' from someone

    who has played " Elvis " and left the board on many occasion



    I didn't base this thread on slavery through the centuries or around the world



    It was based on an American made religion that like the Southern slave masters

    caused much pain



    As Elvis would say " Thank you very Much "



  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I see nothing wrong with telling the simple truth. The WT has problems. It is overreaching and highly controlling. Families are torn asunder. Witness leaders hound members to make certain the blood card is in their wallet. Education is mocked. The NWT is full of lies and bias. The two witness rule and concern for their public image leads to law enforcement authorities not being contacted in cases of sexual abuse. Some elders stake out homes all night to catch a visitor of another sex.

    Extreme, slavery, -signals you are not sophisticated. You don't need the melodrama. The truth is strong enough.

    Anyone who can equate JWs with slavery knows nothing about slavery. Nothing.

    Read a reputable newspaper once in a while. You can complain all you want but fundamental principles of American law are not going to change to accomodate your hatred. We now have a nonlawyer telling experienced lawyers what the law is. I swear the WTS is self-selecting in membership. There is dignity in the truth. Do you ever wonder why the ACLU doesn't come riding to the rescue? Tell your friends and neighbors the truth about the Witnesses. They won't see the Witnesses as kindly any longer.

  • wasblind

    We now have a nonlawyer telling experienced lawyers what the law is_____Band



    That was not the intent of this thread Band


  • wasblind

    The WTS has problems . It is over reaching and higly controling. Families are torn asunder . Witness leaders hound members to make certain the blood card is in thier wallet . Education is mocked_____BAND



    Thank you . You have clearly describe The Southern Slave Master


    EDIT TO ADD : Maybe the ACLU won't because it's " Under the guise of a religion " Band


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