Well, we know how the previous legal counsel, Olin Moyle, met his comeuppance!
It was not a "gracious" bowing out any more than Covington's.
When Russell was old and ailing, Rutherford was clearly preparing to make his leap onto the stage utterly and summarily sweeping aside the Pastor's wishes (as outlined in his Will.)
Further, when the directors voted against one of Rutherford's articles, he dismissed all of them! But, cleverly, left their names in the magazines as though they were STILL on the Board.
He sent travelling representatives to autonomous Bible Student congregations to "help" them organize and ended up completely replacing bible reading with Watchtower Studies.
Covington's deep affection and affinity with Rutherford had him all set to replace the Judge. Knorr and Franz maneuvered to prevent that, but, tossed him the bone of Supreme Court cases. The Society created situations in which hand-picked people would meet with deliberate clashes in carefully selected communities so that Covington could file suit and defend them.
It was a chessboard and all the members were pawns and kings.
When the big headline cases petered out was when Covington slipped into a sullen despair and his drinking took over his life.
But, let us not forget, Rutherford was a boozer too! Even during Prohibition!
Drinking wasn't the problem with those men so much as it was their alienating bullying personalities!
If we took the time and trouble to place all the jigsaw pieces in a careful timeline I believe a clearer picture would emerge that would
be most enlightening! :)