Hayden Covington's unwitting role in harsh disfellowship policy

by Terry 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    can someone post the whole article from 1947?

  • Terry

    That would make a great song title: A Watchtower kind of soon.

    Since the 1975 fiasco the consolidating of power has gone through many twists.

    The child molestation problem brought the legal department into overtime and the distancing of the GB from corporation is

    just a positioning for safety.

    All this religion has left is the monotony of END TIMES.

    END TIMES is the horizon line. You can approach it all you like as fast as you want, but, it remains the same distance ahead.

  • Leolaia
    Bergman was right on the issue of how to settle conflicts with governments and other religions but back in the 1920s when mobs were beating up Bible Students and on into the 1930s under Rutherford fights out in Service were not uncommon. My grandfather, as a Bible Student and as a JW, beat the crap out of more than a few guys who tried to jump him.

    Reminds me of this:

    *** g33 10/11 p. 5 A Brief Answer to a Long Article***

    It was probably a misunderstanding of this scripture that caused a Scranton citizen recently to hit the editor in the face with his fist. At the time he did this he loudly shouted that we were circulating bigotry. The poor sap! The only violence ever visited upon Jehovah's witnesses is by Roman Catholics, whose whole training is that of the bigot and persecutor.

    In all honesty it must stated that Rutherford really ASKED FOR the persecution by attacking everybody's religion, politics and loyalty. He was begging to be hated. Except for the fact he brought down a world of hurt on the innocent Bible Students who went along for the ride out of misplaced loyalty.

    From the same issue of the magazine:

    *** g33 10/11 p. 4 Sending Forth the Truth Unto the Clouds ***

    The big coast-to-coast hook-up of 104 stations was made entirely without aid of the so-called "regular" chain broadcasting systems. The Watch Tower organization made its own arrangements, as is its custom. Jehovah's blessing was manifestly upon the efforts. In a very special sense it was fulfilled on October 1 that God's truth reached unto the clouds. Indeed, while we may not know of it, it is entirely possible that on that day not merely one but many persons that were sailing along in airplanes beneath the clouds or even above them, were listening to Judge Rutherford's lecture on "The True God".... The Kourier, published at Atlanta by the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, in its issue of September, 1933, said in part: "Roman Catholic newspapers the country over have broken out in a rash of criticism of what they term anti-Catholic radio programs. They are in particular begging the Federal Radio Commission to place a ban on Judge Joseph F. Rutherford's 'Watchtower' programs.... The Catholic attack on the Rutherford programs is one of the hottest they have launched on any Protestant project recently. Some spineless stations have already eliminated the feature to which the Catholics object, while others, with more backbone, have told their Catholic critics to go stick their heads in a bucket of holy water."

    *** g33 10/11 p. 26 Churchianity & Christianity ***

    "Too Controversial" A RADIO station director in Indiana gave as his excuse for not fulfilling his contract to broadcast Judge Rutherford's lectures that "it is our policy not to broadcast any talks of a religious nature which are too controversial or might give offense to the religious feelings of other persons". If that is the right standard, then we here and now object to the broadcasting of all Roman Catholic talks, on the ground that nobody with any common sense or any knowledge of history could possibly take any stock in any of them. They are entirely too controversial to go over with anybodyexcept persons of moron or infantile mind, and they give offense to the religious feelings of everybody who has any of those things. If the simpleton who wrote that letter had said, "I stopped broadcasting Judge Rutherford's lectures because I am afraid of the Roman Catholic 15 percent of the population," we could have some respect for him, for then he would have told the truth. The "too controversial" and "offense to religious feelings" is all poppycock intended to conceal the truth.

    *** g33 10/11 p. 26 Churchianity & Christianity ***

    The Boycotting of Free Speech WHEN, in his letter to the Catholic Press, Judge Rutherford drew attention to their un-American and unmanlymethods of suppressing free speech, he stirred some of the hypocritical canines in women's clothes and dog collars into making some curious statements of just what they think free speech is. Such a statement appears in The Sunday Watchman, of St. Louis: ". . .it is not the intention of The Watchman to ruin any radio situation [sic] but only to attempt to drive the 'Judge' from the air until he can curb his tongue and stop twisting quotations from the Sacred Scriptures to suit his own ideas." In other words, Judge Rutherford would be allowed on the air only if he stopped using his own brains and used instead the brains of the 'pope'. The same issue says: "Let our Catholics in this trade area resolve that not one penny of their money will be spent with those firms which make Rutherford's broadcasts possible." It is a good thing to have these things published in the Catholic press and elsewhere so that when Jehovah God destroys the whole miserable nest of vipersevery honest and decent person may rejoice that they no longer cumber the earth which they have disgraced.

  • james_woods

    Nest of vipers - and Terry's article quotes Covington as saying that Knorr was like a cobra slithering behind you to strike...

    These people talk like mental patients without medications.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'm just shocked that they describe it as tyranical and with Pagan influences. That article needs to be posted on every KH

  • Leolaia

    Yeah. That's a revelation to me. Disfellowshipping practice is pagan!! lol We got to keep Jehovah's organization clean from pagan religious influences. If it's pagan, get rid out it....lol

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    that's why I would love a full copy of that article

  • designs

    Leolaia- Good homework. Back in 1965 a group of us went to a movie theatre to see a closed circuit of the Indie 500. You can image what happened as the National Athem was played and our group was sitting down. The insults escalated and objects started flying so we stood and formed a circle only then when the real fist was going to start did the crowd back down. The brother who studied with me ( he was all Navy pistol champ in WWII ) taught my brother and I 'turn the other cheek if they hit that one paralyze them'.

    Fun times in JW land.

  • james_woods

    hypocritical canines in women's clothes and dog collars

    Who do not know what free speech is...

    Yes, this should go on the "bulletin board" of every kingdom hall...not only mentally deranged, but into some cross-dressing kink fantasy as well.

  • palmtree67

    Wha, I think the entire article has been posted here before.......

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