How the house of cards comes crashing down, in the WTS' own words.

by poopsiecakes 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poopsiecakes

    "Rejecting or trivializing the Genesis account about Adam and Eve creates a domino effect that undermines nearly every major teaching in the Bible! Such a way of thinking leads to a host of unanswered questions and a faith with nothing to stand on."

    footnote: " These include teachings about God’s sovereignty, human integrity, good and evil, free will, the condition of the dead, marriage, the promised Messiah, a paradise earth, God’s Kingdom, and many others."

    I can attest to this being exactly the case. This combined with the global flood story made everything come crashing down like a house of cards for me. It's rather interesting that the WT on their own website makes it clear just how easy it is to go from belief to non-belief by simply questioning this one thing. It also proves that unless you actually do some reading and research on your own, you'll stay stuck in this hamster wheel of circular reasoning - which is the case with the vast majority of JW's. I actually pity them...

  • sir82

    And they say the Watchtower never publishes the truth!

    They've never written anything more true than those statements....

  • undercover

    *pokes* Poopsie

    Thanks for the link. That's a keeper!

  • undercover

    ooh ooh... another great quote:

    "Clearly, if Adam did not exist, Christ's ransom sacrifice would be rendered completely meaningless"

    Yes! Clearly... in the WTS own words: the ransom sacrifice would be meaningless...which would naturally mean that the Memorial is completely meaningless.

    The WTS has painted themselves into a corner with the Adam and Eve deal. To ever acknowledge that Adam wasn't really created just 6000 years ago, it negates their whole chronology and belief in Jesus as ransomer for Adam.

    Good stuff. Thanks, Poopsie

  • steve2

    The only difference between modern-day so-called "reason-based" religious beliefs and the so-called primitive polytheism of pagan religions is sheer pride-bound nerve.

    Take away the superficial reasoning and one religious belief system is just as "good" - or bad - as any other.

    A skeleton dressed in a beautifully designed gown and veil to hide the bones is as much a skeleton as an "undressed" skeleton.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Without Adam and Eve the concept of sin disappears and with it the Edenic paradise with talking snakes.

  • poopsiecakes

    They've never written anything more true than those statements....

    No kidding, sir82 - I couldn't believe my eyes when I stumbled on it!!

    *pokes undercover*

    I actually went to their 'official' website out of curiosity (inspired by another thread) to see if the Reasoning Book is among their online's not, btw which is no surprise. Finding this little gem made the visit worthwhile though! Glad you enjoyed it - and thanks for adding to the quotes.

    Anyone who can find other quotes where they hoist themselves on their own petard are welcome.

  • maninthemiddle

    I can agree with this. For me it was looking into the reasons why a global flood could not have happened, then while reading a watchtower on it (don't ask) it said that Jesus said the flood happened.. Matthew 24:37-41

    I think that was when I realized there was no baby in the bathwater (to steal a term often thrown around)

  • poopsiecakes

    OH yes, maninthemiddle, here's the PROOF that Noah's flood happened and was global:

    "If Noah was a mythical figure and a global flood a fable, the warnings of Peter and Jesus for those living in the last days would be meaningless. Instead of serving as a warning, such ideas would befuddle a person’s spiritual senses and endanger his chances of surviving a tribulation greater than the Noachian Flood."

  • vanyell

    I wonder how many have left the Watchtower and turned atheists due to these twisted logic and doctrines?

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