One of my favorite expressions, Nancy
How the house of cards comes crashing down, in the WTS' own words.
by poopsiecakes 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I Want to Believe
"Similar findings have led other scientists to believe that a global flood is a distinct possibility ."
People should ask why the geologists making these findings aren't the ones supporting the flood theory.
"Such a way of thinking leads to a host of unanswered questions and a faith with nothing to stand on."
That is a great find. What a remarkable admission. Basically they are saying you must not think about or question any of this, or you will realise it is all false.
The idea of humans being around for just 6000 years is easily disproven, the flood even more so. The Watchtower is stating that means the Bible as a whole is a fake. At least some religions are long sighted enough to admit these are valuable legends, but the Bible still is from God.
The Watchtower is stating that means the Bible as a whole is a fake.
That's exactly what I thought too! I still can't believe it's there. Realistically, I'm not sure how many people actually read their official website - I think JW's use it to have an online NWT and you kind of have to dig to find these little nuggets. I tend to dig...from time to time. ;-)
Can you imagine how much a black and white statement like this, from their own mouths (so to speak), could open up some minds?
"Rejecting or trivializing the Genesis account about Adam and Eve creates a domino effect that undermines nearly every major teaching in the Bible!Such a way of thinking leads to a host of unanswered questions and a faith with nothing to stand on."
WOW---truer words were never written. Oh well, even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.
Hey Wifey!
Take away Genesis, you take away the first pillar of Christi-SCAM-ity. Without original sin, you don't need a ransom sacrifice. The other sacrifices are a waste, and further sacrifice is wasted. You don't need faith in Jesus' sacrifice because there is nothing to ransom for. And without that, there is no need to waste the time spreading the rubbish that everyone needs to be saved--or put money into the religion so the leaders can live a luxurious lifestyle they don't deserve. Without this ransom, people that are heading to India, Nigeria, or wherever else they are sending Christi-SCAM missionaries can stay at home or just go on strictly humanitarian-relief missions or to enjoy their countries without planting those fxxxing churches.
It also prevents the scams involving local evangelizing. Without original sin, you lose the need to warn everyone that they are damned to hell (or everlasting destruction). This means no wasting their time in learning anything, or your time going out there. If people still wish to do good works, fine--just don't expect people to exercise faith in a scam involving one person's dying making up for another person sinning.
The house of cards called "the Bible" is the nervy foundation upon which stacks of other houses of cards are built, including the Watchtower Society. The shriek of horrors and condemnation these other houses of cards hurl at one another is the perfect cacophony from a collection of nutty belief systems each desperate to assert its own uniqueness - and each at risk of collapsing in upon and over the ultimate house of cards upon which it bases its own copyrighted craziness.
Misery loves company is one thing. It's more like desperation hates company but needs it for lack of any other support.
There are more problems with the ransom sacrifice. Two wrongs don't make a right, why would God demand his son's death because someone else made a mistake? Why does he make others suffer because two people made a mistake? Why doesn't God allow the first to human beings to make mistakes without a death penalty on the first one they make?
It's like giving a bunch of toddlers a gun and waiting for one to pull the trigger.
If it's a ransom sacrifice, who is demanding the ransom? God is. Why does he demand the ransom? He's a hostage-taker. Do you want to serve someone like that?