Further, if you and I enter the wilderness unarmed, the animals hold a similar view of us. They view us as 'fair game' for food, etc.
I've thought about that in the past, too, LWT. But it always led me to more questions...
- Does that apply to just carnivorous animals? What about cattle and fowl (the primary sources of meat in our country)?
- Can I justify acting like a common animal (slaughtering other species for food) while claiming to have a higher standard of ethics and morals than common animals?
Of course, I'm pretty sure I have the capacity to kill another human in self defense just as I'd kill an animal in self defense... and wouldn't hesitate to butcher a horse if my family were starving. There I can find a consistent justification in that if a life/lives are threatened, I will set out to preserve my family's and my own. That sounds like a hard-wired evolutionary trait.