by Notreadytorun 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yesidid

    He really is georgous isn't he? You've got a real treasure there.

    He will probably follow you soon.

    Take care and enjoy your beautiful relationship.

  • N.drew

    I got the pm and wrote back. Thanks!

    Though, you won't need as many, now that your mind and heart are free.

    ain't it the truth? Same as me Talesin, I understand. I don't need my head numb anymore!

  • Ding


    I think you're handling this well with your husband.

    Give him time and space to figure things out for himself.

  • Notreadytorun

    I don't think my hubby will follow me....

    I think his wt trained conscience plus his own hypocritical pride is bothering him now

    He might even out me if given the chance

    At least he's not running to the body of elders but I think he thinks he has the right to divulge my personal feelings to anyone who asks because he's the head of our family!!

    Mund u he was pretty drunk tonight.... I told him to talk to me when he's sober and rational.

    I guess today is one of those "downs" I've been warned about.

    Need a HUG

  • N.drew

    HUGS for Notready. (((((((((Notreadytorun)))))))))) and flowers

  • Notreadytorun

    Thank u, nice to know u r there

  • cognac

    My husband was the same way for awhile. He's at war within himself. When he got like that I just avoided the topic of religion and engaged in activities we enjoyed together - like apple picking, walks, dnners, long drives, etc.

    Hope things get better soon!

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I'm sorry you are having a rough time ((hugs))

  • Notreadytorun

    Thanks all of u

    Good plan cognac, will try that.

    Feel better now knowing I am not as alone as I thought

  • OnTheWayOut

    Hey, congrats on your finding a nail in the coffin. No need to worry about making sudden decisions. Great that you have an understanding husband. My wife, not quite that understanding, also sees no reasons to "out" me to any elders. I remain an "inactive" JW for her and my JW mother. Many people here are in different circumstances- some remain "active" to some degree. Please don't think of any suggestions as judgement of your decisions.

    I know I couldn't keep going to the Kingdom Hall after a bit, but that wasn't a sudden decision for me either.

    So enjoy your new adventures in discovering the real truth. WOO HOO!!!

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