Those on JWN still serving as elders...What if?

by Kensho 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • panhandlegirl

    what does JWN mean?

  • Iamallcool

    Jehovahs Witness Net

  • snare&racket

    Thank you COBE beef, I feel for you.

    I guess my thoughts for such people is, if your loved ones really love you.. it won't matter if you believe in fairies. The big problem in the JWs in my humble opinion, is that many ppl have little more connection to their partner than their faith and aesthetic attraction, so when the faith goes little is left. In the awful world, love prevails beyond taste in music, clothes or political party and even faith! Attraction may waver on these issues, but not love. COBE BEEF I am not inferring your marriage is loveless at all, it sounds quite the opposite. However I feel most jw marriages are. It would not matter so much if you left or stayed if yr partners really loved you. They may love their religion more, but that again is an issue of lacking love for the leaving partner.

    Snare x

  • beenthere2
  • bigmac

    so--just where do we draw he line?

    i can understand someone going to meetings to please devout partners etc----but any real involvement in the religion is simply hypocrisy.

    is it ok to answer in the watchtower--is it ok to be an elder--is it ok to go doorknocking--a pioneer--a missiionary--a circuit servant--giving public talks--maybe at an assembly?

    what if a mamber of this governing body was really an apostate--but still did the job?

    come on folks--take a personal reality check.

  • elderelite

    Mac you asked the right question, but in the wrong way...

    You asked where do "we" draw the line.....

    Its not a collective decsision.... Its not group think or a democracy issue that we vote on... Its everyones personal line to draw. Thus we are back to square one.... With everyone deciding for themself, and everyone free to disagree or approve...

  • harleybear

    COBE Your approach to this all is admirable and your wife is a sweetheart. You obviously have a great marriage. Good for you both

  • winstonchurchill

    but any real involvement in the religion is simply hypocrisy.

    MigMac, you shoud have started with "Evidenty..."; that way you fit much better the judgmental approach of the WTS and that you despise so much.

  • panhandlegirl

    In the early seventies, an elder approached me and told the elders had to meet with me. I asked why but he would not tell me. I knew I had not done anything wrong, my husband was already df'd for smoking, and my childern were 12 an 10 years old, so I had no clue about why they wanted the meeting. Three elders came to my home. We met in the living room. My husband and his parents (JWs) stayed in the kitchen and my children and I sat in the living room with the elders. They began to question my 12 yo son about smoking pot, which he denied. They told him his JW cousins and friends had already confessed. My son then confessed that they had indeed smoked some pot they found at his uncles house. The oldest of these kids was 15 years old. One of the elders, the youngest one, asked my son "Did you really think you could get away with it?" My husband and I were shocked about the kids smoking pot; the uncle with the pot was my husbands brother. The elders punished my son by not letting him take part an upcoming CA skit. About a month after that incident, that young elder was df'd for adultery!! Talk about having a conscience. I can't believe that he actually took part in that farce of a meeting. The elders should have come to me and told me about what my son had done and let me handle the situation. Not only was he underage, he was not baptized. I really should have reported them to the authorities.

  • bigmac

    @ Winston Churchill

    you make almost as many typos as i do. bless ya x

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