Those on JWN still serving as elders...What if?

by Kensho 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Thats because u are an idiot.

    LOL!! This caused milk to leak through my nostrils. LOL EE!!!!!!

  • elderelite

    god im sleepy and KNOW better than to click on these threads... i KNOW better but did it anyway... so I will clarify my "idiot" remark and return to the land of slumber (i hope)

    I say "idiot" because its so typical of people who storm out of the KH in a huff and think the rest of the world should follow them... not reality. And short sighted. It presupposes that there is only one way to handle the situation... YOUR way.

    It also supposes that an elder cant say no to sitting on a JC. I have. and will continue. I have only sat on one since I learned the truth about the truth. It has some bearing here so I will relate some of it in a moment...

    but bear in mind something: there are only two basic ways to end up in front of JC for "apostacy"... 1) becuase you accenditly say the wrong thing to the wrong person or 2) because you WANT to end up in front of a JC for apostacy so you can make a statement.

    I will start with the case of 2 first... IF that is your desire... then why the hell would I care...? where is my moral delemia? Because someone wants to go out with a bang I'm supposed to lose sleep over it? You decided to sit in front of a JC so you can lay out your case for the org's wrong beliefs, knowing how it ends, you want to make a principled stand (in your mind) and that causes me a delima... How? How fun with that. I feel no guilt or hesitation... hell in the JC i will throw sofballs to help you make your case... but I wont feel guilt. At all.

    as for situation 1.. thats a different. ANd I have been there. Long story short is that a friend of the family was hauled before a JC. was trying to fade. I ended up getting tapped to sit on it. I acceppted. I coached the person on what to say ahead of time. I threw softballs during the JC and pushed like mad for the result the person wanted, private reproof. Misssion accomplished. My family friend hasnt been back to the KH since, but can still have free contact with their dubbie family. A win by any reasonable persons definision. so again i ask... where is my delima?

    its such a shame that some are so stupid and short sighted that they only see one way to handle things. their way. I sleep well at night and will continue... and maybe one day I'll take my own advice and stop clicking on these types of threads altogether.

    and for god sake, please dont feed the trolls.

  • baltar447
  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Good post elderite...I agree that there is more than on way to skin a cat...Leaving isn't always the best or only option.

  • snare&racket

    People in case 2 may make a stand based on principle, maybe to save their kids from not having blood or missing christmas or birthdays, or from mental turmoil and anguish, maybe even by some stroke of irony after having sat reading threads here... but you 'helping' them get DF'd and being cut off from all their family and friends really isnt an issue for your conscience? Nobody WANTS to get DF'd for apostacy, but someone may want to make a stand for whats right! I know someone now that may get DF'd for apostacy, because she loves her family and wants them to realise they have been lied too! What is there to hide Elderite? Why cant we speak openly about the lies the WT tell ? Its all bullshit and you know it is! You really have no issue with this kind of person being severed from her family and friends because she does it on principle?

    Its a lose lose situation for you! The day you 'save someone' from a DF for saying something they shouldnt have , may at best lead to them and their children staying and being JW's for countless more years. YOu are a part of that ! It may lead to one of their children denying blood and dying ! So you are not saving them by stopping them from leaving either.

    As for helping someone by privately reproofing them so they can snaeak off out the back door.... whatever appeases your conscience!

    I dont know how you do it, I really dont!

  • snare&racket

    By pretending these are all people with autonomy that you have no influence over is just wrong. Everytime you get up and give a talk TEACHING those people falsehood you are continuing the lie. Everytime you dont standup and deny it all being true you allow the lies to live.

    Lets be frank, you could leave. Its hard but it is essentially the right thing to do. The society is NEVER going to become THE tre religion. You may have family etc and feel this is impossible, granted... but do you have to serve as an Elder? Does the pull of being a big fish in a small pond mean so much to you? As an elder you affect peoples lives.

    I really, really dont know how you do it.

    Before you tell me how ignorant I am, I mean no offence, I sincerely dont. I dont pretend to understand everyone's situation. But I really, really dont know how the elders here sleep at night. Be honest is it difficult? Does the conscience not cry out ?

    Snare x

  • Kensho


    Thank you for your comments,and I apologize if my question was phrased as being judgemental.... I gave that up a couple of years ago.

    I absolutely think every Jdub has to exit on their own terms and only a Jdub knows or understands the potential cost of doing so no matter what responsibility they have in the cong.

  • snare&racket

    Sorry... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe its still too sensitive for me. But I jut cant seem to square the circle with people that stay and hold responsibility !

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    NOooooo EE! Don't get all grumpy and not click! Thanks for posting your experience shows wisdom and insight

  • Botzwana

    Not to highjack the thread at all but I thought I was the only one fed up with certain people here and it´s because EVERYTHING they talk about is about their faith in the Bible etc. I do not want to ruffle feathers but when I see certain posters have commented on a thread I do not read them anymore but go on to someone I like here. So N.Drew...You are one I skip. And I know Tec is a really sweet person and all but I gloss over her´s too because of the strong connection to Bible stuff. Since leaving the Witnesses I am totally not interested in the Bible anymore except how I got misled by it. Love Terry´s posts as well as WTWizard, Minimus, and Moesch.

    I had been a witness 16 years and only knew of one apostacy case and he is still in good standing.

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