Pioneers Bearing No Fruit

by TOTH 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    The WTS 'claims' Reg. Pios. from 2006-2011, increased 42.6%. Quite high. (While their 'claim' of increased pubs during same time was 13.7%) I wonder why??

    I wonder if it has anything to do with the quota of hours being reduced, and thus being much more achievable/inclusive.

  • Mary

    The pioneers for the most part, couldn't care less about bearing fruit. The only thing that matter is getting those hours in and having the title of 'pioneer'. In reality the 'door to door' preaching bears virtually no results---at least in developed countries. It's far too easy for people to find out the WT's murky past including all the failed prophecies, their numerous bizarre beliefs (ie. pyramidology, Jehovah lives in Pleiades, Leviathin was really a choo-choo-train and that Jesus returned invisibly in 1914), their ban on any celebrations and the fact that you'll have to watch your family member die rather than accept a blood transfusion.

    They seem to be having a bit more success in third world countries simply because many of those poor buggers are uneducated, desperate and looking for an answer to all their problems.

    I don't think my old congregation has had one new person come in as a result of door to door witnessing; at least for the last 15 years. What's hilarious to see is that the KH parking lot is half empty on Sunday morning, while the church that is 2 doors down from them has a full parking lot. And they got that WITHOUT knocking on doors.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The number of pioneers in our congregation have been somewhere between 7 - 14 over the past 20 years. In that time, there has been only one who is "productive" - that is, helped people advance to baptism. All of the others have been COMPLETELY nonproductive. Zero. Zilch.

    What makes a productive pioneer is not holy spirit, but good sales skills. That's what this sister has. I have to say she does an excellent job of selling her product. She has a fantastic rhetorical style, and can create very convincing arguments for the unwitting householder.

    The rest of them are apathetic, confused or completely ignorant of reality. They are in La-La Land. They are truly relying on holy spirit, and reaping the rewards: zero.

  • Gayle

    when did the reg. pio. requirement of hours change to 840 hr/year (70 hr/mo)?

    when did the reg. pio, requirement of 100 hrs./mo (1200 hr/annually) go down to the 90 hr/mo?

    I remember a rumor here at JWN about the 840 hr/year requirement was getting lowered but didn't happen? Since the reg. pio. are increasing so much I think it is likely the hour requirement will remain the same, unless the reg. pio. numbers start decreasing?

    I know there are 'reg.' aux. pio. at the 50 hours/mo. I suspect there could be 'reg' 30hr/mo aux. pio. set up eventually.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Gayle~ I believe there are certain months set aside (usually during Memorial time or when there's a new "campaign") when the aux hours get reduced to 30.

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