Is it too much to ask the "CREATOR" in this technological, scientific age to give us a modern update for his intentions?

by smiddy 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • glenster

    According to the church/temple/mosque/gymnasium where they're having a meeting
    of Glen, the first post is correct in calling for an update. I'd add updates
    should be administered regularly by those of faith in a God beyond the known as
    called for by increased knowledge, and some of them are:


    Understand faith as such--a hope in a possible God beyond the known proven
    Keep up to speed about the proven rational things God is possible beyond
    (evolution, etc.).
    Nobody should be hurt or killed over belief/non-belief in a possible or you
    have the ethical/theological dilemma of arbitrary hurting or killing, so have
    separation of church and state (like freedom of subjective reaction beyond the
    objective math of music).
    Don't be 'centric and intolerant about basic belief/non-belief or things that
    aren't character determinents (race, gender, sexual orientation, age, handicap,
    Don't lie, steal, murder, or own slaves.
    See old texts as allegorical, representing the culture of the time and not
    God, etc.--interpreted as needed for the above (progressive/reform).


    God's prerogative--it's all His to do what He wants with, with the impunity of
    life itself (or of people over animals if considered to be). Life is a known
    and God a possible, but either may be complained about or believed in--prefer-
    ably ultimately grateful or hoping for it. A really thorough disparagement of
    belief in God based on complaint about life is to show no hope for life, so I
    woudn't recommend it. If this happens, please see a professional.


    Could be inclusive or exclusive--there are pros and cons for each.

    A hope for a possible eutopia on Earth beyond what can be expected realistic-
    ally doesn't require that you Imagine no hope for a possible eutopia in heaven
    (possibly Paradise on earth) beyond what's to be expected realistically. The
    concern for Earth to not have disharmony over the matter is serviced more even-
    handedly by discouraging that people not be 'centric or intolerant about belief/
    non-belief since there has been too much harm cased by the 'centric/intolerant
    types of either.

    If both the Earth and heaven concerns come with the pluses and minuses of
    imagining either as inclusive or exclusive to make them work, Earth more
    guaranteeably requires an exclusive stance (prisons, etc.). Remember, when the
    guy who recommended otherwise tried Christianity, he didn't indicate the option
    of the progressive/reform choice--he went to Oral Roberts. No wonder he didn't
    end up seeing it as a viable option.

    The hadith is wrong--you don't have to keep a puppa dog outside, but you can
    lose a share of your reward in the afterlife if you have a puppa dog and don't
    take good care of it. You can tell a man by his dog--don't strap it to the roof
    of a car.
    "Judgment is mine sayeth the Lord" is an actual scripture and good for
    avoiding fistfights.

  • tec

    @TEC if that is the case than I'd sure be interested to see what bible you've been reading that brought you to that conclusion.

    I have been listening and looking to Christ. I could list scriptures to back up the things that Christ has taught and continues to teach.

    - "God is patient, wanting no man to perish" (from Peter)

    - The great multitude from every nation, tribe and people that no one can count. (from revelation)

    - Also in revelation, it is clear that the fire coming down from heaven is against those who come across the earth (deceived by Satan) to surround those who belong to Christ and God. Those who belong to Christ and God did not march against them. It is the other way around.

    - Paul himself says that ALL Israel will be saved.

    That is a lot of people saved and they have not been counted.

    Taking your advise and searching the scriptures...

    It is not my advice but Christ's... and it is against searching the scriptures to find life. Life is in Christ. He admonishes people for searching scriptures (which cannot give life) INSTEAD of coming to Him. (who does give life)

    We could go back and forth on things written in the bible all day.

    If you look at Matt 7:13 and compare with 2Thes 1:6, you'll see that God does intend to kill most of the earths population off (maybe not 90% exactly) that does not do things his way (e.g. living a life of selflessness with just the bare neccessities, endlessly preaching etc Matt 6:33, Matt 28:19,20).

    Few DO find the narrow path. Christ is that narrow path and few find Him. But the great multitude that come through the tribulation is uncounted, large, and from every tribe, nation, people tongue. (from revelations)

    Not all who think they belong to Christ actually do... but in the same way, some (perhaps many) who think they do not belong to Christ, are known by Him and invited into the Kingdom (prepared for them). This is seen in the parable of the sheep and goats.

    Don't believe me still?

    I don't. I must believe Christ. Because He is the Truth. He is the Life. You're no different than me when it comes to knowing. Only the ones we listen to are different.



  • tec

    tec i quite like your answer - you are more spiritually minded than many of the dubs i know. Prayer is so important. I need to start praying again - must learn to seperate God and the bible from the religion i was brought up in.

    Notreadytorun - thank you! Prayer and listening is important. Quieting our inner selves, and just trusting ourselves to God helps (I did this when I first seperated from the witnesses who were teaching me, and I didn't know where to turn... took some struggling just to find that I should trust him to begin with). Asking for help, and ears to hear, also helps. Keep knocking and the door will be opened. Christ promised all of these things. He also said that if we love him, we will do as he taught, and then His Father will love us and they will come and make their home with us. In spirit. I trust Christ when he says something.

    God is spirit and truth and the worshipers he wants are those who worship in spirit and truth. I know I'm paraphrasing, but this is also what Christ said. So we should probably try to do what He asks of us, if we're trying to follow him ;)

    Peace to you, and ears to hear if you wish them, and strength to keep asking,


  • designs

    'I care I'm just really busy' God

  • jaguarbass

    Today with technology and the internet everybody does have a chance to hear an updated message.

    It's up to you to choose what you want to hear, then enter your request in google.

    God doesnt think for us, we have to pick and choose, what we want and where we are going.

  • xtreemlyconfused17

    OMG WTWIZARD, U WERE TOTALY READING OUT OF MY MIND. "What about if God were more understanding that there are lots of religious scams and not requiring any faith from us?" "Even so, Jehovah is so unfair that he expects us to have total faith that we are being told the real truth."

  • xtreemlyconfused17

    TEC:"Not all who think they belong to Christ actually do... but in the same way, some (perhaps many) who think they do not belong to Christ, are known by Him and invited into the Kingdom (prepared for them". THIS IS THE BESTEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD

  • tootired2care
    Few DO find the narrow path. Christ is that narrow path and few find Him. But the great multitude that come through the tribulation is uncounted, large, and from every tribe, nation, people tongue. (from revelations)

    @TEC - This statement you made contradicts itself. So maybe several millions from every nation and tribe will be saved; when you compare that to the billions alive now the statement still holds that God does intend to kill off most of earths population that he deems wicked or those that don't know him according to 2Thes 1:6 (quoted below)

    This takes into account that it is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for YOU, 7 but, to YOU who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels 8 in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. 9 These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength, 10 at the time he comes to be glorified in connection with his holy ones and to be regarded in that day with wonder in connection with all those who exercised faith, because the witness we gave met with faith among YOU.
    (1) I have been listening and looking to Christ. (2) I must believe Christ. Because He is the Truth. He is the Life.

    So how do you do that? I assume that you mean reading the bible and putting faith in what is said praying etc. Jesus attested or endorsed the bible in John 17:17 stating "Your word is truth" compare John 4:24, John 1:1. So it's either all true, or all false; and the holy spirit wouldn't get some of it right and some of it wrong. Jesus referenced the old testament many times in his teaching too. So a true believer doesn't pick and choose what they want to do or beleive from the bible and expect salvation. They either accept it all or they don't. So the scriptures make very plain what Gods intentions are which cannot be diluted or sugar coated.

    So the point stands that most of earths population will be exterminated by Jesus and his angels at the behest of God who has a legal issue with sinners.

    Only the ones we listen to are different.

    What exactly do you mean by this?

  • dgp

    Now that we're talking messages, how come the Lord decided to "cause a book to be written" at a time and age when a) most people were illiterate, meaning most people could not even write, b) most people hadn't even heard a word in Hebrew, Greek or whatever and c) it wasn't easy to write anything.

    You'd think that He would solve that problem by deliveriing his message orally, by mouth of prophets! Why can't he send just one, someone by the name Cassandra, for example, and so we can learn the Truth and forget about the rest?

    That would have the advantage of bringing many a Muslim into the true faith, I say :-). And it would make a hell of a lot more sense than asking less than 7 million guys (in a world of billions) to knock on doors on Saturday or Sunday mornings. It would have the advantage of being reliable, quick, direct...

  • cantleave

    Good questionb dgp. Also why is the book he wrote so bloody inaccurate, inconsistent and such a reflection of the times in which it was written? Also why did he disseminate it so badly? How anyone can believe it is inspired to save the Human Race is beyond me.

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