According to the church/temple/mosque/gymnasium where they're having a meeting
of Glen, the first post is correct in calling for an update. I'd add updates
should be administered regularly by those of faith in a God beyond the known as
called for by increased knowledge, and some of them are:
Understand faith as such--a hope in a possible God beyond the known proven
Keep up to speed about the proven rational things God is possible beyond
(evolution, etc.).
Nobody should be hurt or killed over belief/non-belief in a possible or you
have the ethical/theological dilemma of arbitrary hurting or killing, so have
separation of church and state (like freedom of subjective reaction beyond the
objective math of music).
Don't be 'centric and intolerant about basic belief/non-belief or things that
aren't character determinents (race, gender, sexual orientation, age, handicap,
Don't lie, steal, murder, or own slaves.
See old texts as allegorical, representing the culture of the time and not
God, etc.--interpreted as needed for the above (progressive/reform).
God's prerogative--it's all His to do what He wants with, with the impunity of
life itself (or of people over animals if considered to be). Life is a known
and God a possible, but either may be complained about or believed in--prefer-
ably ultimately grateful or hoping for it. A really thorough disparagement of
belief in God based on complaint about life is to show no hope for life, so I
woudn't recommend it. If this happens, please see a professional.
Could be inclusive or exclusive--there are pros and cons for each.
A hope for a possible eutopia on Earth beyond what can be expected realistic-
ally doesn't require that you Imagine no hope for a possible eutopia in heaven
(possibly Paradise on earth) beyond what's to be expected realistically. The
concern for Earth to not have disharmony over the matter is serviced more even-
handedly by discouraging that people not be 'centric or intolerant about belief/
non-belief since there has been too much harm cased by the 'centric/intolerant
types of either.
If both the Earth and heaven concerns come with the pluses and minuses of
imagining either as inclusive or exclusive to make them work, Earth more
guaranteeably requires an exclusive stance (prisons, etc.). Remember, when the
guy who recommended otherwise tried Christianity, he didn't indicate the option
of the progressive/reform choice--he went to Oral Roberts. No wonder he didn't
end up seeing it as a viable option.
The hadith is wrong--you don't have to keep a puppa dog outside, but you can
lose a share of your reward in the afterlife if you have a puppa dog and don't
take good care of it. You can tell a man by his dog--don't strap it to the roof
of a car.
"Judgment is mine sayeth the Lord" is an actual scripture and good for
avoiding fistfights.