by MsGrowingGirl20 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    ohmygosh!!! One of my friends who is a MS told me today that the elders have 'marked' me because i'm a and i've decided to go to college next semester???! He said he can't tell me anymore but to be careful---what the hell does 'mark' mean? why am i being marked??? i committed no sin!! i can't believe thisss these people are crazy!!! i so want to ask the elders about it but my friend'll be in trouble!!! My gosh!! These PHARISEES!!!

  • james_woods

    They think College Graduation caps & gowns are a throwback to pagan dress.

  • JonathanH

    "Marked" means that they aren't taking action against you, but that you are considered questionable association that should be kept away from those that may be swayed by your actions into doing what you do. Depending on how seriously they view it, they may give a "marking talk" as the next local needs where they speak out against what you are doing, without naming you by name. You will probably also be strongly councelled privately.

    College encourages critical thinking and considering mulitple viewpoints outside of your own, it also teaches how to give respect to views that clash with your own, and teaches you to challenge your own ideas, as well as how to properly do research. There is no greater threat to autocratic rulership than open minds and eyes. They fear college because you will learn how they are manipulating you. They are reacting against that.

  • baltar447

    ohhhh, please keep us posted! Maybe they will decide to remove you?

  • AnnOMaly

    Know the JW policies:

    Read the letter to the BOE about higher education IN THIS THREAD.

    Would an elder, a ministerial servant, or a pioneer continue to qualify to serve as such if he, his wife, or his children pursue higher education? Much depends on the circumstances and how he is viewed. When such a situation arises, the body of elders should consider the following questions and scriptures:

    Does he show that he puts Kingdom interests first? (Matt. 6:33)

    Does he teach his family to put Kingdom interests first?

    Does he respect what has been published by the faithful slave on the dangers of higher education? (3 John 9)

    Do his speech and conduct reveal that he is a spiritual person? (Ps. 1:2, 3; 1 Cor. 2:13-16)

    How is he viewed by the congregation?

    Why is he or his family pursuing higher education?

    Does the family have theocratic goals? (Phil. 3:8)

    Does the pursuit of higher education interfere with regular meeting attendance, meaningful participation in field service, or other theocratic activities?

    As the body of elders prayerfully and carefully considers the matter, it may be readily apparent that the brother has a positive attitude about what the organization has published regarding higher education and still retains the respect of others in the congregation. They may also observe that he and his family are keeping Kingdom interests first if the education does not interfere with meetings and the ministry. In such a case, the elders may determine that he could continue serving.-1 Tim. 3:2, 4-6; Heb. 13:7.

    ... ...

    If a person is serving as a regular pioneer only and the body of elders determines that he no longer qualifies to serve because of decisions he has made with regard to higher education, the person, the congregation, and the branch office should be informed of the deletion in the usual manner.

    Can you see in any of the above why you are being marked? If you cannot, and armed with this information, challenge them on it. Ask them what it is that warrants marking.

  • InterestedOne

    To answer your question about what they mean by "marked," here you go (from the elder book females are not allowed to read):

    Marking Disorderly Ones
    1. At times it may be necessary to mark those who display a flagrant disregard for theocratic order though not practicing a grave sin that would result in judicial action. (w99 7/15 pp. 29-31) This could include such things as being grossly lazy or critical or being a profitless talker who is a constant 'meddler with what does not concern him.' (2 Thess. 3:11) It may involve one who schemes to take material advantage of others, indulges in entertainment that is clearly improper, or dates when not legally or Scripturally free.-od p. 150-151.

    2. If the disorderly conduct is generally unknown to others and poses no threat to their spiritual wellbeing, usually it is best to handle things through admonition and counsel. The elders should not be hasty in giving a warning talk. However, if the individual does not see the error of his way but continues to be an unwholesome influence, a warning talk may be given to the congregation.-2 Thess. 3:6, 14, 15; w99 7/15 pp. 29-31; w85 4/15 pp. 30-31.

    • Example - mark for dating an "unbeliever": The elders should first counsel and try to help a disorderly one. If a person persists in a way that is disturbing and that has the potential for spreading, they may conclude that there would be reason for a warning talk to be given to the congregation.-2 Cor. 6:14; 2 Thess. 3:11,14; w99 7/15 p. 31.

    • It may be that an individual is dating not an actual 'unbeliever' but an unbaptized publisher. In such cases a warning talk may not be needed, depending on the circumstances, on the attitude of the Christian, on the level of disturbance to the congregation, and other factors. Nonetheless, if he is dating with a view to marrying someone who is unbaptized, he is not obeying the Bible's counsel at 1 Corinthians 7:39 to marry "only in the Lord" and loving counsel should be given. Elders will use reasonableness and discernment in determining whether a particular situation is sufficiently serious and disturbing to require a warning talk. -od pp. IS0-1S1; w04 7/1 pp. 30-31.

    3. If the disorderly one becomes ashamed of his ways and is moved to change, then as elders of the congregation see the adjustment, they can individually decide to end the limitation they have put on personally socializing with him. This will indicate to the congregation that he is no longer marked.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    ...the elders have 'marked' me

    What are they paying for your tuition or something?

    Mark them for sticking their noses in your private business. Send them the tuition bill and tell them that they have a say on the matter when they pay it.

    Seriously, they only have the influence over you that YOU give them.


  • leavingwt

    Did we mention that it's a cult?

  • cantleave

    ignore them - its just a stupid cult with silly rules!

  • biometrics

    I think I got marked when I asked two elders "Come on, do you really believe everything they [the Governing Body] tell you?".


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