MsGrowingGirl20, confronting the elders would open a world of pain. They have absolute power and would stamp down any one that try to object, even if you have biblical/theocratical proof they did something wrong.
On the other hand, once you realise they have absolutely no power over you unless you give it to them (by believing they have that power, or by contesting their decision, which is a way to show them you believe they have some kind of power over you), you have the upper hand.
Just act like you don't care. If they try to counsel you, just look through them - concentrate you eye focus on something behind them, and look in their direction while keeping your focus on the horizon. They will notice they can't reach you, they will realise they can't blackmail you, and that's a situation they're not used to. Eventually, they'll have to swallow their pride while you continue with your life, and come to the meeting whenever you want, and once at the meeting happilly associate with whoever you want. They can't do nothing about that, the whole marking doesn't work if you don't let it affect you.
Edit: make sure to tell everybody how happy you are, and how wonderful your univerity courses are. You won't be promoting higher education (you're not advising others to do it), but showing everybody that it makes you happier than ever is the best way to make your point. They are unhappy and dissatisfied, you're doing something useful and exhilarating with your life.