the WTS wants RankNFile to stay stupid and un informed. If you stay stupid (no higher ed) you will not learn to use your critical thinking skills and if you stay un informed about past WTS dealings you won't find out they are twisting the scriptures as well as hypocrites.
You can totally see it's a control thing. Any JW young one is eventually going to leave home, even if he didn't get an education, correct? So a parent has to trust they did good by teaching their child well in the faith. When a young one leaves home and what ever jobs he gets, he constantly has the world around him and tempation. So what's the difference? If a JW young one goes to higher education, a parent has to trust they did a good thing by training their child. And if one doesn't have parents in the faith, their bible study conductor and congregation would trust they did a good job in teaching their bible student.
Didn't the great Mo (Moses) go to Egypt to get edumacated? As I re call?
And the way things have always been, even if you get a lower paying job, you still have to put in long hours in order to pay your rent!! Much less put food on ones table. Yup stay dirt po and live off welfare.
Ha.....just thought of something. Maybe it's a breeding scam. Teach RNF to stay stupid and breed little armies of JWs.....
Girl20 you have to feed and put a roof over your head. They are not going to...