I think that's what the OP was asking for, proof. I have no proof whatsoever to say God doesn't exist, I've also never seen proof that he does but I'm willing to say that I don't know.
In a way yes, although I know that trying to prove god is real is nigh on impossible. So on this thread I do not require anyone to provide proof. I simply ask, how you know? The thing with that is, that for an individual to KNOW god is real it must be an intensely personal experience. And I am interested in what those experiences are. NOT to dispute them. Simply to hear them.
It was about what you said about the feelings associated with 'hearing' God that got me thinking last night...and I have experienced those feelings, exactly as you described. The problem I have, is that when I was experiencing them, it was when I was deeply involved with the JW's....was nearing baptism and I was praying to Jehovah! Directly asking Jehovah for his help...and from where I was standing, I got it. This is what makes me uncomfortable about the experience you describe. How do you know it is God? I thought I did, but since then I have not experienced it again. When I stopped praying to Jehovah...the experience also stopped. Although my belief in god did not. This is why I wonder if it was more a matter of my will than his.
I am not in any way trying to say that your experience is NOT real. Just trying to clarify mine.
Thanks for continuing with the discussion, the lack of bible and wibble is truly refreshing for me. The one comment of yours that stood out to me was that you heard a voice say 'I love you' and I think you said it was in another language. I can honestly say I have never experienced that. But if I did I don't know how I would react.
Thank you all for contributing...I'm going to continue reading my way through.
I am hoping that others with belief in God will still contribute and will not be put off or afraid because they don't want their belief picked apart. I am looking forward to hearing more opinions.